25; top 30 public health blogs of 2012

I generally ignore those endless polls that purport to rank blogs, especially if you’ll put their endorsement sticker on your blog.

This one is a little different, because I actually care about public health, and especially the inspectors who work in a largely thankless job.

So according to – and I’m quite proud of my association with the School of Public Health within the veterinary Rob_Mancini_001college at Kansas State University – comes in at 25.

I’m especially proud we do all this with minimal resources. We’re not CDC or the Wall Street Journal. But we do have Amy to fix all our mistakes.

And this is no list of wannabes.

 “The field of public health is wide ranging and varied. There are many perspectives on the field and as public health by definition affects everybody, there are many stakeholders. This list consists of the top thirty blogs in the field of public health from experts in many portions of the field. Readers will find that the list consists of a wide variety of perspectives including medical, economic, national, global, corporate, and governmental.”