China says more media coverage of dodgy suppliers would enhance food safety – China?

The furious reaction of the market and consumers has dealt a heavy blow to those who are dishonest or even violate the law in food production.

This is in China, reports Global Times.

Without well-educated citizens or ethical strength, China "can’t be a respectable economy or a power in the real sense," Premier Wen Jiabao warned last week, making him the highest official to have made such blunt remarks toward food scandals. Food safety has been raised to the level of national strategy.

One effective way to mobilize consumer enthusiasm is to give more media coverage to the disclosure of fake food producers.

Food scandals have become a public enemy that demands public involvement to eradicate the problem.

Some shoppers told Xinhua News Agency they prefer shopping at big supermarkets, where they believe food safety standards are higher.

Another Beijing shopper said, “I often buy food and other products that are popular and have a good reputation."