Seagulls ‘will pose a health risk for Rugby World Cup fans’ claims UK businessman

Seagulls could pose a serious health risk to rugby fans as thousands flock to Gloucester to take in the spectacle of world cup matches in the city. is the claim of one businessman who has been forced to leave his city centre location as a result of the surge in numbers in recent years.

Former city councillor Stuart Wilson, from county finance specialists Equity Advice, said packed Gloucester streets and an increase in rubbish will not just swell the city coffers, but also the numbers of seagulls nesting in rooftops.

“I moved my business out of the city because of the problem,” he said. “We moved out of Northgate Street in the summer, and relocated to where the seagulls are less active.

“I love all animals but a cull is simply a pest control issue. I’m not asking to wipe out the entire species, just reduce the numbers. …

“We will have visitors from around the world who will be attacked, defecated on, rubbish will be strewn around our city , and as usual our council will offer false platitudes and claim oiling is the only option.

“They omit to tell the public that they won’t send staff over a certain height or onto privately owned buildings.”

A city council spokesperson said: “The Rugby World Cup starts in September after the nesting season for gulls so we don’t expect to see an increase during this time.

FIFA food poisoning

Perhaps to elevate the eternal boredom of soccer, at least 40 volunteers at the World Cup were sickened with food poisoning on Saturday.

colbert.soccerMeals are provided to Fifa by the company ‘Taste, based in Campinas, and undergo a process of SUPER before being sent by truck from St. Paul to the cities’ housing Coppadel the world, said Andre ‘Godoy. The case of food poisoning in Brasilia and ‘was so far the only reported the organization of the World Cup. “

Surprised he didn’t fake illness: Germany coach Joachim Loew picks nose before shaking hands with Cristiano Ronaldo

The most exciting thing to come out of the World Cup: Germany coach Joachim Loew has added insult to injury after his side trounced Portugal, picking his nose before shaking the hand of beaten superstar Cristiano Ronaldo.

880793-54755328-f5a3-11e3-9eee-86d74a63fbdcHaving cut a frustrated figure during a terrible 4-0 loss against the Germans, Ronaldo trudged off the pitch towards Loew, who was revelling in his team’s continuation of its bogey team status against the Portuguese.

The coach, who has form in this area, was caught fiddling away inside his nostril as Ron approached and he didn’t even bother to wipe his hand before shaking.

The incident sent social media into a frenzy.

England’s World Cup hotel raided by health and safety officials over out-of date food

I’m watching the Montreal-New York hockey conference finals (that’s ice hockey to the Australians) and am now going to write about soccer (right, exactly as shown).

Apparently there’s something big coming up in the world of fooootball, and the hotel that England will use during the upcoming World Cup in Brazil has had out-of-date food removed following a raid from Brazilian health and safety officials.

colbert.soccerAccording to the Mirror, the Royal Tulip hotel in Rio de Janeiro, had 2.6kg of salmon, parma ham and butter removed after it was deemed unfit for consumption.

Nonetheless, the Football Association have declared that they have no concerns following the seizure.

An FA spokesman stated: “The England chef has visited the Royal Tulip hotel several times and is happy with the cleanliness of the facilities. He will also closely supervise all the players’ food intake.”

The inspections were part of 13 venues visited by officials, with restaurants, supermarkets, bakeries, shops also raided.

England’s group rivals Italy – who the Three Lions meet in their opening game of the tournament on June 14 – saw their Portobello hotel also raided, from where 50 kilos of food was taken away.

In total, 218kg of food unfit for consumption was discarded.

Officials at Italy’s hotel discovered 25kg of seafood and margarine past the sell-by date, while another 24kg of meat, sauces, cheese and sugar had no visible sell-by date.

Additionally, both hotels were also warned for not providing condoms for guests, as is required under Brazilian law.

Scooooooooore: Food poisoning hit Fifa workers

Ninety Fifa World Cup volunteers were treated for food poisoning after eating breakfast at the Mbombela Stadium in Nelspruit, Mpumalanga on Friday.

Local organising committee spokesman Rich Mkhondo said,

??"They got sick after eating food this morning. Some of them were vomiting while others suffered from diarrhoea,"

An investigation had been launched to determine if the food was contaminated and if so, how it got contaminated, Mkhondo said.

UK food fraud teamwork comes to rescue of World Cup fans

This is me watching soccer (right, exactly as shown).

I coached girls soccer for a few years, but parents, especially Europeans, would yell at me a lot, and I didn’t really know the game like hockey, so I just tired of it.

Seriously, 7-year-old girls doing the beehive chasing a ball is not worth yelling about.

Maybe there was a lot of drinking going on in the stands.

The U.K. Food Standards Agency provided financial support and advice to enable Salford Trading Standards to seize 436 bottles of counterfeit and illicit alcohol in advance of the World Cup.

A five-day operation, partially funded by the Agency, was carried out across the city by the council, customs officers and the police and separate seizures were made in 25 out of 75 pubs and off licences that were raided.

Counterfeit alcohol is dangerous because it is sold without any of the safety checks that accompany legal food and drink production. This means there is no guarantee the product is what it says on the label. Trading standards officers found that some bottles contained excessive levels of methanol which can cause serious health effects including blindness.

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Soccer-based food safety metaphors suck: give food bugs the red card this summer?

We visited with our neighbors yesterday and their baby, Luna Sofia, who is currently called baby Luna Sofia although that may pass, and the Columbian mother asked if I was going to watch the World Cup of soccer.

I said no, and tried to extol the virtues of ice hockey.When I think of watching World Cup soccer I have this image of Malcolm McDowell being rehabilitated in A Clockwork Orange.

But that doesn’t stop the civilized British soccer fans from using bad World Cup metaphors to spread their faith-based food safety.

Food Safety Week starts today, and with many people likely to have barbecues or be eating outdoors for World Cup matches, the Food Standards Agency is reminding everyone that food bugs can cause more misery than a penalty shoot-out.

The U.K. Food Standards Agency also has some top food safety tips for people planning barbecues this summer:

* always make sure chicken, pork, burgers, sausages and kebabs are cooked until steaming hot all the way through, none of the meat should be pink and any juices must run clear.

This is wrong. Color is a lousy indicator and steaming hot means nothing. Although after my last post, a U.K. dude wrote in to say,

Not every mother of three children rushing about with a full time job has the time to use your wonderful tip thermometer and so visual advice is both sensible and correct.

Nope, still wrong, and in this case, sexist. What about fathers with four daughters making meals and a full-time job? Did it for years, with a tip-sensitive digital thermometer.