54 sickened: Salmonella outbreak at UK Chinese takeaway put two people in IC

A Salmonella outbreak which infected 54 people, putting two in intensive care, was traced to a Kirkby takeaway.

woks.cookingdPoor hygiene procedures at Wok’s Cooking, in Richard Hesketh Drive, Westvale, are believed to have allowed the potentially deadly bacteria to pass from eggs sourced from a European supplier to other food in July last year.

Hidayet Tayar, who has owned the business for nine years, was ordered to pay £12,000 in fines and costs at Liverpool Magistrates’ Court today.

Tayar, 54, of Ness Grove, Kirkby, pleaded guilty to four counts of failing to comply with EU provisions concerning food safety and hygiene, under the Food Safety and Hygiene Regulations 2013.

Peter McCaughley, prosecuting on behalf of Knowsley council, said the youngest victim of the outbreak was a two-year-old toddler and the oldest was aged 74.

The court heard Knowsley Council Food Safety Officers were alerted to the problem on July 14, 2014, by a couple treated in hospital for suspected food poisoning after eating at Wok’s Cooking.

The premises were inspected by council officers the following day.

54 sickened: German eggs linked to UK Salmonella outbreak

A Salmonella outbreak at Kirkby take-away Woks Cooking has been linked to German eggs and poor hygiene.

salmonella.eggsHealth bosses have completed their final investigations into the fast food outlet which was shut down by Knowsley council last July but opened again in August and is now under new management.

The report by Public Health England (PHE) confirms food safety experts have found signs that the salmonella illnesses at Woks Cooking, as well as a series of other cases across Europe, were linked to eggs from a German supplier.

Dr Alex Stewart, from PHE’s Cheshire and Merseyside centre, said: “There is now evidence to indicate that a series of cases in Europe caused by the same strains of Salmonella were associated with consumption of eggs from a single source. The eggs from this supplier also reached distributors and food outlets in England and there is evidence to support the hypothesis that this was the same source of infection for Woks Cooking.

“Nevertheless, good practice in any food outlet accounts for the possibility of contaminated food sources; in this outbreak it is clear that poor hygiene practices with cross-contamination were the ultimate cause of the outbreak.”

It had previously been thought 25 people were struck by the salmonella in Kirkby last July but food safety experts have now confirmed 54 cases were identified which were linked to Woks Cooking, which is on Richard Hesketh Drive in Westvale.

Of these, 33 cases were microbiologically confirmed Salmonella Enteritidis PT14b and 21 were classified as probable cases.

There were nine people hospitalised during the outbreak.

A spokeswoman for PHE said they were unable to name the company which supplied the eggs from but confirmed it was German.

25 sick with Salmonella: investigation continues into Liverpool take-away

Twenty five people became ill following an outbreak of Salmonella at a Merseyside take-away, it has emerged.

The Woks Cooking eatery in Richard Hesketh Drive, Westvale in Kirkby was shut down last month.

woks.cooking-300x199At that time there had been 14 laboratory confirmed cases of food poisoning in customers who had eaten food from the take-away.

Among those affected was Paula Pierce’s 24-year-old daughter Chantelle, who ended up on morphine after contracting Salmonella.

Paula, who manages the nearby Railway pub, said her daughter was still being sick.

She said: “She’s had a letter from the doctor asking her to come for more blood tests to check her kidneys haven’t been affected, she’s a diabetic.

Chantelle, a barmaid, had a steak and kidney pie and hot and sour soup from Woks Cooking on Monday, July 14.

The next day she went to the doctor and on the Wednesday of that week Chantelle’s temperature had reached 40 degrees and she was taken to hospital by ambulance, where she stayed for a week.

UK take-away shut down after 14 people sickened with Salmonella

The Woks Cooking eatery on Richard Hesketh Drive in the Westvale area of Kirkby was shut down on Monday after 14 people caught Salmonella.

woks.cookingA number of people – suffering from fever, diarrhoea and vomiting – were diagnosed with food poisoning.

One man told the ECHO he had spent a night in intensive care after his kidneys failed.

Speaking from his sick bed in Fazakerley hospital, he said he was “lucky to be alive”.

He said: “I went to intensive care and my kidneys failed. I also spent four nights in critical care.

“I bought special fried rice and a couple of days later I was ill. I had severe diarrhea and I was vomiting. I called the doctor and the ambulance came out for me. I felt awful.”

Another of those affected by the outbreak was Paula Pierce’s 24-year-old daughter, who ended up on morphine.

Paula, who manages the nearby Railway pub, told the ECHO: “My daughter Chantelle had a steak and kidney pie and hot and sour soup from there a week Monday ago. She wasn’t feeling well later on. She went to the doctors on the Tuesday and was diagnosed with food–poisoning.

A spokesman for Knowsley Council said: “The premises are closed subject to an Emergency Prohibition Order.”

The council said it was investigating a number of cases of Salmonella infection linked to a takeaway establishment in Knowsley.

To date there have been 14 laboratory confirmed cases.

Dr Alex Stewart, from the Cheshire & Merseyside PHE Centre said: “Investigations are still on-going and all public health measures have been put in place.”