Is Kellogg clueless about food safety? Public relations?

I have no idea who runs food safety at Kellogg, but what is going on?

Kellogg uncritically accepts a BS audit of Peanut Corporation of America and is forced to recall hundreds of peanut pasty cracker thingies, their CEO testifies in Washington – with a straight face – that the federal government needs to do better on food safety, and on the same day, today, that Kellogg sponsors a Supermarket News Internet bit about how industry can’t wait for government on food safety steps, U.S. food safety regulators made public a January warning letter to Eggo waffle maker Kellogg Co in which they said the company had not gone far enough to address food safety violations at its Atlanta frozen food plant.

Reuters reports tonight that in October 2009 Atlanta plant inspection found bacterial contamination and sanitation violations such as improper handling of trash and food, and insufficiently sanitized equipment, the FDA said.

The FDA’s letter, dated Jan. 27, comes after the Georgia Department of Agriculture found Listeria bacteria in Eggo Buttermilk Waffles on Aug. 31.

Kellogg’s plant had "significant deviations" from the manufacturing practices for food manufacturers and Kellogg’s response so far had not addressed the violations, the agency wrote.

Kellogg said on Tuesday it has fully addressed all of the violations and that its response to the FDA letter would be filed shortly.

What are they waiting for? An auditor’s report?