71 sick in Ukraine from Salmonella in smoked fish

As first reported in English by the always excellent ProMed and translated from IA Komsomolskaya Pravda, Donetsk, fish in L’viv, Ukraine poisoned more than 70 people, the most massive poisoning in the last 10 years.

This was reported by the press service of the Department of Civil Protection of the L’viv Regional State Administration on its Facebook page. “As of 6:00 on 2 Oct 2017, a total of 71 people were affected by the outbreak of infection, including 7 children,” the ministry said. In addition, there are 6 people in outpatient care, including 1 child, who have consulted a doctor, but refused to be hospitalized.
After conducting laboratory tests, all patients were diagnosed with salmonellosis. The condition of one patient is severe, the rest are in the hospital, in close to satisfactory condition.

(A ProMed editor writes: Although salmonellosis is not generally considered high on the list of fish-borne illnesses, it certainly does occur, as reflected in this recent review:
Barrett KA, Nakao JH, Taylor EV, et al. Fish-associated foodborne disease outbreaks: United States, 1998-2015. Foodborne Pathog Dis. 2017; 14(9): 537-43.)

There’s a lot of botulism in Ukraine this year

According to MiceTimes of Asia (great name) there have been 90 illnesses and nine deaths in 2017 from foodborne botulism in Ukraine this year. Seems like a lot. Home canned foods and dried fish have been linked to many of the illnesses. Dried fish and botulism seem to go together. Five bot cases in Germany and Spain were linked to dried fish in 2016.

To prevent botulism, you must carefully follow the canning of vegetables, fruits, meat, fish and mushrooms. Before the use of canned foods should be warmed to a temperature of 100°C for 30 minutes to destroy botulinum toxin.

In no case can not eat canned meat and fish, if the iron Bank is inflated or deformed.

Something may be lost in translation.

39 sick from Salmonella in sushi in Ukraine

Toma Istomina of the KyivPost writes an outbreak of cases of Salmonella infections in Kyiv has revealed a rash of sanitary violations in the city’s restaurants.

Police have started criminal proceedings against Eurasia, a popular chain of sushi restaurants in Kyiv, after 39 people came down with Salmonella poisoning after eating in two of its restaurants. An investigation found that one of the cooks had spread the bacteria.

Further inspections by Ukraine’s food safety authorities uncovered numerous sanitary violations in at least 79 other restaurants in Kyiv.

However, legislation that was in effect until June 30 prevented the authorities from immediately issuing fines or shutting down the offenders – the law had stipulated that such measures could be taken only after a scheduled inspection, and not an unscheduled one.

The only restaurants to be temporarily closed as of July 5 were the two Eurasia sushi bars where customers were infected by the bacteria – on 2A Dmytrivska St. and 20 Stepan Bandera St.

The first cases of salmonellosis infection were reported on June 27, when 34 people sought treatment for the symptoms of Salmonella poisoning – diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps, and vomiting. All had eaten in the two Eurasia restaurants, and five more people reported infection within the following week.

Most of the infected customers were hospitalized. The State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection launched an inspection of the entire Eurasia chain.

Ukrainian bot death linked to dried fish

In late 2016 six cases of botulism were linked to dried salted fish products in Germany and  Spain. According to 24.my.info a woman from the Kirovohrad region of Ukraine died from botulism also linked to dried fish (something may be lost in translation).

In the town of Novoukrainka of Kirovohrad region woman died from botulism after eating dried fish, which she bought personally in the store ATB city of Kharkiv. It is reported Kirovohrad regional laboratory center.

According to the report, the first symptoms of the disease in women appeared on July 6 near midnight, four hours after eating dried fish, which she (her words) bought personally in the store ATB city of Kharkiv.

EU food safety standards could bring boom or bust to Ukraine

Ukraine’s huge agriculture sector has long been constrained by outdated food safety regulations and practices that have limited the country’s export and investment potential.

ukraine_agricultureBut that should change soon, according to Volodymyr Lapa, the head of the new food safety and consumer protection state regulatory body.

Lapa told the Kyiv Post that new laws that came into force in January have finally brought Ukraine’s food safety and consumer rights legislation into line with that of the European Union.

The new legislation aims to improve standards of hygiene and food safety, as well as government supervisory procedures. Under the law, and to comply with the minimum requirements for exporting to the EU, all Ukrainian producers and retailers must conform to Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points standards.

But according to the International Finance Corporation, which advises businesses and the government on how to achieve HACCP standards, only several hundred out of thousands of Ukrainian companies currently comply with them. In 2010, the corporation calculated that 200 out of 20,000 or so manufactures had implemented HACCP standards, though figure does not include retailers.

Under the new laws, the Food Safety and Consumer Protection Agency that Lapa heads will replace the assortment of inspectorates that now exist. A total of 30,500 people are currently employed to regulate various aspects of food and consumer safety, while in future the number will be reduced to 10,000 people.

Did a salad at a German hotel fell Ukraine players at Euro 2012?

Salad stigma persists in Germany.

A bad salad at a German hotel might have caused the food poisoning that sickened 10 players of European Championship co-host Ukraine before their final warm-up game against Turkey on Tuesday.

Ukraine team doctor Leonid Mironov believes the weakened players suffered from “the bad effects of eating a salad,” the Interfax news agency reported Thursday.

Team spokesman Oleksandr Glyvynskiy told The Associated Press there will be no further investigation into the cause of the food poisoning, despite head coach Oleg Blochin suggesting on Ukrainian TV that “it may have been sabotage.”

Euro 2012 co-hosts hit with vomit-causing illnesses

With the Stanley Cup Finals set to end tonight (I’m not convinced New Jersey will prolong the inevitable), my sports-watching efforts will soon switch to Euro 2012 soccer (or non-American football). It’s not the most exciting sport but I do like the lack of commercial breaks. According to Sports Illustrated, co-host Ukraine’s team has been hit by some sort of pathogen that is affecting 10 players and almost cancelled a warm-up game yesterday. Lots of vomit associated with a team sport? Sounds like norovirus.

The main concern is over Ukraine’s most-capped player, midfielder Anatoliy Tymoshchuk, who has been on a drip.
"We have to bring the guys out of this condition,” coach Oleg Blokhin said. "It’s good that the poisoning didn’t happen on June 11. For me, the most important thing is healthy footballers.”

Team doctor Leonid Mironov told reporters Wednesday that Tuesday’s match against Turkey, which Ukraine lost 2-0, was almost cancelled after the players had come down with the bug that was causing some of them to vomit. Blokhin said that fullback Bohdan Butko and midfielder Denys Harmash played against Turkey despite being ill.