Skating, seafood and the Queen’s swan found barbecued on riverbank

My mother and 20-year-old daughter Braunwynn began their trek back to Canada this morning. Braunwynn says she doesn’t know how she’ll ever eat seafood again in Ontario after the Brisbane indulgence.

We went skating, because Braunwynn had to teach Sorenne that princesses can wear hockey skates (it was B’s idea) and B kicked all the boys in the skating races and won. braun.sorenne.skate.sept.13The Aussies had never seen quite a thing.

We also ate kangaroo burgers. I temped them to 165F.

One country’s cultural norm is another’s ick factor.

But it’s sorta creepy that British police are investigating the killing and apparent barbecuing of one of Queen Elizabeth’s swans.

The bird was butchered, burnt and stripped of its flesh before the carcass was dumped on a riverbank near Windsor Castle, west of London, police and an animal charity said on Wednesday.

“It was done neatly, presumably to get at the meat.” 

All wild mute swans in Britain are considered the property of the crown and it is an offence to kill one.

UK chef kills swan to answer question: do all swans belong to the Queen?

That Mother’s Day goose I made? It was awful. And wildly over-priced. I won’t be doing that again anytime soon. Although I have gotten much better at bread making thanks to some personalized tips from Chef Bryan.

The U.K. Telegraph reports that a chef has appeared in court charged with killing and cooking a swan in a case set to test the ancient law that all 30,000 wild swans in Britain belong to the Queen (right, not exactly as shown).

Mohammed Miah, 29, of Bedford, was allegedly found with blood and feathers on his hands, while the carcass of the bird was found in a black bin bag.

Miah was charged after an investigation by police and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB).

He is accused of stealing the swan from the Crown and killing it in Bedford during the early hours of May 10.

Simon Cocksedge, defending, at Bedford Magistrates Court asked for the case to be adjourned for time to research the law relating to swans.