Double secret probation: ‘Special team’ to check work of CFIA inspectors

Health Minister Rona Ambrose is sending a special team to check the work of nearly 40 Canadian Food Inspection Agency inspectors at a meat processing plant in Alberta.

“I’m going to send them in to make sure everything is okay,” Ambrose said during question period Thursday, after NDP MP Laurin Liu said Canadians are at risk because of inadequate E. coli testing.

CTV News first reported Wednesday on government documents that show meat tainted with E. coli bacteria from the plant in Brooks, Alta., was detected by U.S. food inspectors in 2014.

That was two years after the government shut down the plant – formerly operated by XL Foods – after at least 18 people were sickened by meat containing the bacteria.

The documents also noted hygiene concerns, including employees standing in “two to three inches of pooling blood and contaminated water,” lack of running water in the bathroom sinks, and unflushed toilets with fecal matter.

JBS Foods, the Brazil-based company that now owns the plant, said any problems indicated in the inspections have been resolved.

Ambrose said that a 2014 Conference Board of Canada report that ranked Canada’s food inspection system first among 17 industrialized countries is proof the CFIA is “doing an excellent job.”

It’s proof politicians will cite bogus studies and believe their own press releases.

Sick at school? Here’s the stats

(With thanks to Batz for the tip)

Fitting that we had a parent-teacher interview tonight. The teacher doesn’t give the grade 1 students fruit breaks, when every other class does, because, “the students didn’t seem to mind working through.”

I said my kid minded.

Everyone needs an asshole.

State-reported school foodborne outbreaks account for about 3.8% (n = 464) of all outbreaks and 8.2 % (n = 20,667) of all illnesses reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Foodborne Disease Outbreak Surveillance System.

pink.floyd.educationOf 464 school foodborne outbreaks, 122 (26%) outbreaks, 7,603 illnesses, and 301 reported food safety errors met the criteria for inclusion in the analyses. The purpose of the authors’ study was to examine the role of contributing factors in school foodborne outbreaks.

Contamination factors accounted for the greatest proportion (49.2%) of outbreaks involving some level of food handling interaction by a school food service worker, followed by proliferation (34.9%) and survival factors (15.9%). Over 56% of all illnesses were associated with norovirus and food service worker practices.

The results of these analyses highlight the importance of effective food safety education programs that focus on the role of contributing factors and prevention of foodborne disease from food safety errors.

 Analyses of the Contributing Factors Associated With Foodborne Outbreaks in School

Journal of Environmental Health

Venuto, Margaret; Garcia, Kristin; Halbrook, Brenda

14% of Norovirus outbreaks from food

Worldwide, noroviruses are a leading cause of gastroenteritis. They can be transmitted from person to person directly or indirectly through contaminated food, water, or environments.

norovirus-2To estimate the proportion of foodborne infections caused by noroviruses on a global scale, we used norovirus transmission and genotyping information from multiple international outbreak surveillance systems (Noronet, CaliciNet, EpiSurv) and from a systematic review of peer-reviewed literature. The proportion of outbreaks caused by food was determined by genotype and/or genogroup.

Analysis resulted in the following final global profiles: foodborne transmission is attributed to 10% (range 9%%–11%) of all genotype GII.4 outbreaks, 27% (25%–30%) of outbreaks caused by all other single genotypes, and 37% (24%%–52%) of outbreaks caused by mixtures of GII.4 and other noroviruses. When these profiles are applied to global outbreak surveillance data, results indicate that ≈14% of all norovirus outbreaks are attributed to food.

Norovirus genotype profiles associated with foodborne transmission, 1999–2012

Emerg Infect Dis, Volume 21, Number 4—April 2015

Verhoef L, Hewitt J, Barclay L, Ahmed S, Lake R, Hall AJ, et al

Everything comes down to poo

My mom said she got foodborne illness a couple of years ago, and it affected her for over a year.

ben.stool.sample.nov.09She didn’t contact the health unit and didn’t go the hospital, because that’s how we roll.

My mom’s like most people I chat with about poop: it’s sorta embarrassing. It’s nerds like Chapman (his kit, right) that get stool samples and find out they’re part of a state-wide outbreak.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control reports that increased availability and rapid adoption of culture-independent diagnostic tests (CIDTs) is moving clinical detection of bacterial enteric infections away from culture-based methods. These new tests do not yield isolates that are currently needed for further tests to distinguish among strains or subtypes of Salmonella, Campylobacter, Shiga toxin–producing Escherichia coli, and other organisms.

Public health surveillance relies on this detailed characterization of isolates to monitor trends and rapidly detect outbreaks; consequently, the increased use of CIDTs makes prevention and control of these infections more difficult (1–3). During 2012–2013, the Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network (FoodNet*) identified a total of 38,666 culture-confirmed cases and positive CIDT reports of Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, Shiga toxin–producing E. coli, Vibrio, and Yersinia. Among the 5,614 positive CIDT reports, 2,595 (46%) were not confirmed by culture. In addition, a 2014 survey of clinical laboratories serving the FoodNet surveillance area indicated that use of CIDTs by the laboratories varied by pathogen; only CIDT methods were used most often for detection of Campylobacter (10%) and STEC (19%).

Maintaining surveillance of bacterial enteric infections in this period of transition will require enhanced surveillance methods and strategies for obtaining bacterial isolates.

Bacterial enteric infections detected by culture-independent diagnostic tests — FoodNet, United States, 2012–2014

CDC MMWR March 13, 2015 / 64(09);252-257

Martha Iwamoto, Jennifer Y. Huang,. Cronquist, Carlota Medus, Sharon Hurd, Shelley Zansky, John Dunn, Amy M. Woron, Nadine Oosmanally, Patricia M. Griffin, John Besser, Olga L. Henao

Sweden screens for STECs in kids

Background: Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STECs) are the most common cause of acute renal failure in children. The present study evaluated a 10-year STEC polymerase chain reaction screening regimen in children. All routine stool culture specimens from patients below 10 years of age (n = 10 342) from May 2003 through April 2013 in the County of Jönköping, Sweden, were included. Patients were divided in 1 group where analyses of STEC were requested by the clinician (n = 2366) and 1 screening group (n = 7976). Patients who were positive for STEC were tested weekly until they were negative. Clinical data were collected through a questionnaire and by reviewing medical records.

Results: In specimens from 191 patients, stx was found (162 index cases). The prevalence was 1.8% in the requested group and 1.5% in the screening group (P = .5). Diarrhea was the most frequent symptom reported in 156 cases and of these 29 (19%) had hemorrhagic colitis (HC) and 7 children developed hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). No difference regarding severity of symptoms between the groups was found. Stx2 predominated in cases with HC (P < .0001) and HUS (P = .04). Median stx shedding duration was 20 days (1–256 days), and no difference in duration was seen between stx types (P = .106–1.00) and presence of eaeA (P = .72).

Conclusions: Most STEC cases were found in the screening group with comparable prevalence and disease severity as in patients where analysis was requested. Furthermore, non-O157 serotypes caused severe disease when carrying stx2, and prolonged shedding of STEC may be a risk for transmission.

 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in diarrheal stool of Swedish children: Evaluation of polymerase chain reaction screening and duration of shiga toxin shedding

Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society

Andreas Matussek, Ing-Marie Einemo, Anna Jogenfors, Sven Löfdahl3 and Sture Löfgren

I prefer the 4 Rs for risk comm: Rapid reliable relevant repeated; big data in food safety and quality

What is big data? No matter what definition is used, the term “big data” is most simply and best described by the sheer volume of data involved, which can offer the opportunity for increased insight and better decision-making that could not be accomplished by analyzing smaller data sets. Nonetheless, to uncover underlying trends, correlations, and relationships that would typically be absent from one-dimensional data alone, the analysis and management of huge data sets demand consideration of several other important aspects of big data.

big.dataIBM describes big data by four key aspects: 1) the volume of data, 2) the speed at which data is generated, 3) the aggregation of distinctly different data types, and 4) the validity and security of data. These aspects are known as the four Vs: volume, velocity, variety, and veracity (IMB, 2014).

Big data has required the development of new non-relational database structures capable of handling unstructured data, computational algorithms that can effectively use all dimensions of big data, and parallel and cloud computing infrastructure to enable fast processing and sharing of data. According to the McKinsey Global Institute, the use of big data could revolutionize and create value across all sectors of the global economy, save the United States $300 billion annually in healthcare costs, and increase operating margins for retailers by 60% (Manyika et al., 2011). Furthermore, free or low-cost sources of unstructured data, such as word searches on Internet engines and online discussion sites, may provide near real-time information on disease outbreaks.

Despite its potential, big data remains vulnerable to traditional data-analysis challenges such as sampling error and bias, the failure to correct significance levels for multiple comparisons, and the correlation-causation inference that is characteristic of working with retrospective data. Nevertheless, development and implementation of tools that use big data in food safety have considerable potential to improve microbial food safety and quality.

Similar to other areas, the amount of food safety-related data being generated by the government, industry, and academia is increasing rapidly. While specific information on the amount of data being generated is often not easily accessible, the use of big data is very apparent in routine subtyping of foodborne pathogens. Techniques that interrogated only a small proportion of bacterial genomes (e.g., pulse field gel electrophoresis) are being replaced by whole genome sequencing (WGS), which provides information on each of the approximately three to six million nucleotides that make up typical bacterial foodborne pathogen genomes. For example, the private-public partnership 100K Foodborne Pathogen Genome Project aims to sequence 100,000 foodborne pathogen genomes. Similarly, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service as well as public health agencies in other countries have begun routinely sequencing foodborne pathogen isolates. For example, since fall 2013 all human clinical Listeria monocytogenes isolates obtained in the United States are subjected to WGS by either state or federal public health agencies. In addition to the large data sets that are being generated specifically for food safety applications, food safety professionals increasingly recognize the value of using larger data sets that are not specifically for food safety applications. For example, the use of geographical information systems technology (GIS) and geo-referenced data for predicting or identifying pre-harvest food safety hazards (particularly in the produce area) shows considerable potential to yield new science-based approaches to food safety hazards. The food industry collects large data sets, often through real-time monitoring, that could be used in more in-depth analyses along with other data sets to improve food safety and optimize food safety investments. This article highlights a few examples of how big data can be used to develop and implement improved food safety practices and how big data could help food safety professionals make better decisions.

armadillo.hatGIS is a computer-based tool for mapping and analyzing things on earth. The technology integrates common database operations, such as query and statistical analysis, with the visualization and geographic analysis offered by maps. With regard to food safety, GIS combines information on geographical features and attribute data (i.e., characteristics/information related to a specific location) to identify associations between the environment and a pathogen. The first application of geographic analysis was in 1854 when Dr. John Snow, a London physician recognized as one of the pioneers of modern GIS and epidemiology, mapped the location of cholera deaths and water wells. He used maps along with personal interview data to identify the source of the disease: the Broad Street water pump.

Today, GIS is applied to predict the spatial and temporal occurrence of foodborne pathogen contamination in produce production environments. Furthermore, GIS has aided growers to understand the transmission dynamics of foodborne pathogens in the environment as well as various spatial-temporal factors (e.g., climate trends, proximity to landscape features, soil properties) that influence the potential for produce contamination events. The ultimate goal is to prioritize risks on farms and to develop a preventive approach to pre-harvest food safety. The application of GIS in produce food safety has shown incredible promise, such as helping growers make more informed decisions about field practices and develop targeted pathogen-surveillance programs. For example, the FDA and National Aeronautics and Space Administration have collaborated to develop GIS-Risk, a program that links GIS data with predictive risk-assessment modes to forecast when, where, and under what conditions microbial contamination of crops is likely to lead to human illness (Oryang et al., 2014). Furthermore, Strawn and others (2013) used a GIS framework to predict spatial locations of L. monocytogenes reservoirs based on proximity to various landscape features and level of soil moisture in the produce production environments of the State of New York. They showed field locations near impervious land cover class had a predicted L. monocytogenes prevalence of 20% while field locations away from impervious land cover class had a predicted L. monocytogenes prevalence of only 5%. Growers can therefore identify locations on farms that are at high risk for contamination and implement intervention measures to minimize the risk of transfer to produce (see Figure 2). Additionally, researchers observed that the incidence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 increased significantly after heavy rains in a California produce growing region (Cooley et al., 2007). This finding suggested that during intense weather and subsequent flooding events, pathogen levels in the environment may be elevated. Therefore, monitoring data on rainfall totals or river flow rates may aid growers in forecasting risk of potential contamination events.

Overall, the application of GIS to produce safety research has generated massive amounts of new data on the ecology of different organisms in the environment and data on various spatial-temporal-based scenarios that influence the likelihood of contamination events. In this big data driven era, GIS is one tool that helps researchers store, capture, process, analyze, and visualize large datasets. While the promise of GIS to complex food safety issues is being demonstrated, further integration of multiple large data sets (e.g., WGS data, real-time data acquired via drones) will be critical to further improve food safety throughout the farm-to-fork continuum. Application of GIS tools to address pre-harvest food safety of plant-based foods will specifically be facilitated by the rapid growth of precision agriculture, which focuses on improving yield and optimizing various production inputs.

The FDA has created, validated, and applied for real-time regulatory use an open-source WGS integrated network of state, federal, and industry partners. The network is known as GenomeTrakr and represents the first distributed genomic food shield for detecting and tracing foodborne pathogen outbreaks back to their sources. WGS information guides investigators to specific food products, plants, and farm sources for pathogen outbreaks, providing valuable insight into the origin of contaminated food. This capability is particularly important because the FDA has a limited number of food inspectors and the U.S. food supply is becoming more global. Sample collection and sequence cataloging from food production sites can help monitor compliance with the FDA’s rules on safe food-handling practices, enhancing preventive controls for food safety. A recent example involved the 2014 suspension of a U.S. producer of a Mexican-style cheese linked to numerous illnesses caused by L. monocytogenes. WGS was employed to confirm the link between the food and facility isolates and those derived from clinical cases. The usefulness of this new technology for source tracking had previously been demonstrated when it provided enough high-resolution micro-evolutionary single nucleotide polymorphism changes to pinpoint the sources and ingredients of a Salmonella outbreak in spiced meats in 2009 and was used to confirm L. monocytogenes persistence for 12 years in a food processing facility.

Big data has the ability to change the conventional strategy for prevention: Historically, food safety professionals have relied on food safety audits or inspections to determine if a food establishment was in compliance with food safety  standards and regulations. However, at best, food safety audits are a snapshot of an establishment’s condition at a single point in time. For example, retail food-inspection results were not a good predictor of whether or not a food  establishment would be linked to or cause an outbreak because of the low frequency of visits, which ranged from once a year to just a few times per year.

One nationwide retailer, Wal-Mart Stores Inc., is leveraging big data for food safety purposes. Wal-Mart utilizes handheld information technology, Bluetooth communication, and state-of-the-art temperature measuring devices to check the internal temperatures of every batch of rotisserie chickens cooked, ensuring a safe internal temperature. In a single period, health inspectors across the country checked rotisserie chicken cooking temperatures in Wal-Mart stores approximately ten times. During the same time frame, a third-party inspection firm checked rotisserie chicken cooking temperatures approximately 100 times, a tenfold increase of the checks during regulatory inspections. However, by leveraging data obtained over this same period of time through an internal handheld self-check system, Wal-Mart recorded 1.4 million internal cooking temperatures of rotisserie chickens. This approach provided much greater insight than what could have been obtained through inspections or audits alone. Leveraging big data and the information it provides appears to be an innovative and effective way to enhance regulatory compliance and track compliance with desired standards.

Big data tools such as metagenomics also increasingly offer new approaches to control and reduce microbial food spoilage. Food spoilage results from complex combinations of microbiological factors and physiochemical factors of the matrix, and the relationships between causative agents and physiochemical changes associated with spoilage are poorly defined. In some foods, such as fresh pork sausage, microbial growth (as measured by traditional methods) and spoilage are even temporally unlinked by as much as 30 days, leading to the suspicion that microbial growth plays only a small role in spoilage. Using large-scale parallel 16S rRNA-based pyrosequencing, researchers described in detail the dramatic changes in abundances of microbial species that occur over the shelf life of a refrigerated model sausage product, effectively resulting in multiple ecological successions of taxa with one wave of microorganisms rising to high abundances and displacing the previous wave (Benson et al., 2014). These successions occurred despite little change in the absolute abundance of the populations detected by traditional plating, illustrating the powerful resolution afforded by metagenomic analysis. The addition of antimicrobials changed the picture dramatically, yielding an essentially static community for the first 30 days of refrigeration, followed by an abrupt decline in relative abundances of nearly the entire population except for a single microorganism. Combining changes in microbiota composition with chemical signatures of the matrix over time further established high degrees of correlation between abundances of specific taxa and significant changes in the chemical composition of the sausage, providing a list of possible taxa as major causes of the onset of spoilage. Detailed trace-back analyses comparing the distributions of specific taxa from ingredients and final product also identified the ingredients, specifically the spice blend, as a major source of the most abundant taxon in the spoiled product. Importantly, it was the combination of high-resolution microbiota data and traditional plating data that enabled a full  understanding of the ecosystem behavior to reduce the likelihood of spoilage, thus enhancing the quality of the product.

Opportunities for big data applications in food safety and microbial spoilage beyond the ones detailed in this article appear to be abundant, yet food scientists and food microbiologists have used only a small amount of the relevant data generated and available. Hence, there is a considerable need for a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach across industry, government, and academia to develop the people, tools, and infrastructure to facilitate application of big data in food science. The challenges on this path are multifaceted and range from the rather mundane, such as switching from paper-based to electronic-based record-keeping schemes, to the complex, such as implementation of computational tools that can integrate and analyze structured and unstructured data (e.g., video, satellite images, audio) to reveal food-safety-relevant associations. An important next step will be to create data that show that analyses of big data can also successfully predict future microbial food safety and quality outcomes. In addition, there is an urgent need to train future food sdafety professionals and food scientists to use and analyze big data sets and interact successfully with data scientists. The ultimate creation of a big data culture in the food industry can facilitate considerable advancements in food safety, food quality, and sustainability.

Laura K. Strawn, Eric W. Brown, Jairus R. D. David, Henk C. den Bakker, Pajau Vangay, Frank Yiannas, and Martin Wiedmann

It’s in poop: Campylobacter jejuni in urban wild birds and pets in New Zealand

Greater attention has been given to Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni) prevalence in poultry and ruminants as they are regarded as the major contributing reservoirs of human campylobacteriosis., relatively little work has been done to assess the prevalence in urban wild birds and pets in New Zealand, a country with the highest campylobacteriosis notification rates. Therefore, the aim of the study was to assess the faeco-prevalence of C. jejuni in urban wild birds and pets and its temporal trend in the Manawatu region of New Zealand.

Findings: A repeated cross-sectional study was conducted from April 2008 to July 2009, where faecal samples were collected from 906 ducks, 835 starlings, 23 Canadian goose, 2 swans, 2 pied stilts, 498 dogs and 82 cats. The faeco-prevalence of C. jejuni was 20% in ducks, 18% in starlings, 9% in Canadian goose, 5% in dogs and 7% in cats. The faeco-prevalence of C. jejuni was relatively higher during warmer months of the year in ducks, starlings and dogs while starlings showed increased winter prevalence. No such trend could be assessed in Canadian goose, swans, pied stilts and cats as samples could not be collected for the entire study period from these species.

Conclusions: This study estimated the faeco-prevalence of C. jejuni in different animal species where the prevalence was relatively high during warmer months in general. However, there was relative increase in winter prevalence in starlings.

The urban wild bird species and pets may be considered potential risk factors for human campylobacteriosis in New Zealand, particularly in small children.

Faeco-prevalence of Campylobacter jejuni in urban wild birds and pets in New Zealand

BMC Research Notes 2015, 8:1



But what does it really mean? Campylobacteriosis cases stable, listeriosis cases continue to rise in EU

Campylobacteriosis infections reported in humans have now stabilised, after several years of an increasing trend, but it is still the most commonly reported foodborne disease in the EU. Listeriosis and VTEC infections in humans have increased, while reported salmonellosis and yersiniosis cases have decreased. These are some of the key findings of the European Union Summary Report on Trends and Sources of Zoonoses, Zoonotic Agents and Foodborne Outbreaks in 2013.

surveillance“The stabilisation of campylobacteriosis cases and the continuing downward trend of salmonellosis is good news, but we should not lower our guard as reporting of other diseases such as listeriosis and VTEC infections is going up,” says Marta Hugas, Head of Department of EFSA’s Risk Assessment and Scientific Assistance Department, who stresses the importance of monitoring foodborne illnesses in Europe.

Last year’s report showed that human cases of campylobacteriosis decreased slightly for the first time in five years. The 2013 figures have stabilised to the levels reported in 2012. Nevertheless, with  214,779  cases, campylobacteriosis remains the most commonly reported foodborne disease in the EU. In food , the causative agent, Campylobacter, is mostly found in chicken meat.

Listeriosis cases increased by 8.6 percent between 2012 and 2013 and have been increasing over the pastfive years. Although the number of confirmed cases is relatively low at 1,763, these are of particular concern as the reported Listeria infections are mostly severe, invasive forms of the disease with higher death rates than for the other foodborne diseases.  “The rise of reported invasive listeriosis cases is of great concern as the infection is acquired mostly from ready-to-eat food and it may lead to death, particularly among the increasing population of elderly people and patients with weakened immunity in Europe”, says Mike Catchpole, the Chief Scientist at ECDC. Despite the rise of listeriosis cases reported in humans, Listeria monocytogenes, the bacterium that causes listeriosis in humans and animals, was seldom detected above the legal safety limits in ready-to-eat foods.

Reported cases of verocytotoxin-producing E. coli (VTEC) infection rose by 5.9 percent – possibly an effect of increased awareness in Member States following the outbreak in 2011, which translated into better testing and reporting. No trends were observed on the presence of VTEC in food and animals.  

Salmonellosis cases fell for the eighth year in a row, with 82,694 cases –a 7.9 percent decrease in the notification rate compared with 2012. The report attributes the decrease to Salmonella control programmes in poultry and notes that most Member States met their reduction goals for prevalence in poultry for 2013. In fresh poultry meat, compliance with EU Salmonella criteria increased – a signal that Member States’ investments in control measures are working. 

Yersiniosis, the third most commonly reported zoonotic disease in the EU with 6,471 cases, has been decreasing over the past five years and declined by 2.8 percent compared with 2012.  

The EFSA-ECDC report covers 16 zoonoses and foodborne outbreaks. It is based on data collected by 32 European countries (28 Member States and four non-Member States) and helps the European Commission and EU Member States to monitor, control and prevent zoonotic diseases.

Samples ‘satisfactory’ for Salmonella in Hong Kong

The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department has recently completed a targeted food surveillance project on Salmonella in ready-to-eat food. Results showed that all the 800 samples tested were satisfactory.

salmonella.eggs“The Centre collected the samples from over 600 different locations, including retail outlets and food factories, for testing of Salmonella. The samples included cut fruit and salad; meat, poultry and their products (such as ham, shredded chicken, siu-mei and lo-mei); dishes containing eggs (such as pudding and fried rice with eggs); and other food (such as jellyfish and other Chinese cold dishes),” a spokesman for the CFS said today (January 20).

Salmonella is the leading cause of food poisoning locally.
In the past three years, about 40 confirmed food poisoning outbreaks related to Salmonella were recorded by the Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health, which accounted for about 27 per cent of all confirmed food poisoning outbreaks recorded. Salmonella is often found in the intestinal tract of humans and animals and will be released through defecation. Hence, Salmonella is more commonly found in food of animal origin, including eggs, meat, poultry and raw milk.

Contamination is another means to disseminate Salmonella into other food such as vegetables and fruits. Furthermore, food may be cross-contaminated during processing or preparation if it is not properly handled.

Food safety is a shared responsibility.
All those involved in the food production chain – from farms and manufacturers to food handlers and consumers – should put in place safety measures. For example, food handlers and consumers are advised to apply the following “Five Keys to Food Safety” when handling and preparing food:
Choose Wisely
* Obtain food and food ingredients from approved and reliable sources; and
* Use fresh and wholesome food ingredients and check the quality of the ingredients upon receipt.
Keep Clean
* Wash hands with soap and water before handling food, after handling raw meat or poultry and after engaging in any activities that may contaminate hands (e.g. going to the toilet; handling rubbish, soiled equipment or utensils and money; and carrying out cleaning duties).
cantaloupe.salmonellaSeparate Raw and Cooked Food
* Use two separate refrigerators for storing raw food and cooked or ready-to-eat food as far as practicable;
* If raw food and cooked or ready-to-eat food have to be stored in the same refrigerator, store food in containers with lids to avoid contact between raw food and ready-to-eat or cooked food.
Raw food should be stored below ready-to-eat or cooked food in the refrigerator to prevent juices of raw food from dripping onto ready-to-eat or cooked food; and
* Use separate utensils to handle raw food and cooked or ready-to-eat food.
Cook Thoroughly
* If possible, use a food thermometer to check whether the core temperature of food reaches at least 75 degrees Celsius.
Safe Temperature
* Keep cold food at or below 4 degrees Celsius and hot food above 60 degrees Celsius; and
* Never leave cooked food at room temperature for more than two hours.

Careful with that bear meat: Trichinellosis surveillance, US, 2008–2012

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control reports that trichinellosis is a parasitic disease caused by nematodes in the genus Trichinella, which are among the most widespread zoonotic pathogens globally. Infection occurs following consumption of raw or undercooked meat infected with Trichinella larvae.

Trichinella2Clinical manifestations of the disease range from asymptomatic infection to fatal disease; the common signs and symptoms include eosinophilia, fever, periorbital edema, and myalgia. Trichinellosis surveillance has documented a steady decline in the reported incidence of the disease in the United States. In recent years, proportionally fewer cases have been associated with consumption of commercial pork products, and more are associated with meat from wild game such as bear.

Period Covered: 2008–2012.

Description of System: Trichinellosis has been a nationally notifiable disease in the United States since 1966 and is reportable in 48 states, New York City, and the District of Columbia. The purpose of national surveillance is to estimate incidence of infection, detect outbreaks, and guide prevention efforts. Cases are defined by clinical characteristics and the results of laboratory testing for evidence of Trichinella infection. Food exposure histories are obtained at the local level either at the point of care or through health department interview. States notify CDC of cases electronically through the National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (available at In addition, states are asked to submit a standardized supplementary case report form that captures the clinical and epidemiologic information needed to meet the surveillance case definition. Reported cases are summarized weekly and annually in MMWR.

Results: During 2008–2012, a total of 90 cases of trichinellosis were reported to CDC from 24 states and the District of Columbia. Six (7%) cases were excluded from analysis because a supplementary case report form was not submitted or the case did not meet the case definition. A total of 84 confirmed trichinellosis cases, including five outbreaks that comprised 40 cases, were analyzed and included in this report. During 2008–2012, the mean annual incidence of trichinellosis in the United States was 0.1 cases per 1 million population, with a median of 15 cases per year. Pork products were associated with 22 (26%) cases, including 10 (45%) that were linked with commercial pork products, six (27%) that were linked with wild boar, and one (5%) that was linked with home-raised swine; five (23%) were unspecified. Meats other than pork were associated with 45 (54%) cases, including 41 (91%) that were linked with bear meat, two (4%) that were linked with deer meat, and two (4%) that were linked with ground beef. The source for 17 (20%) cases was unknown. Of the 51 patients for whom information was reported on the manner in which the meat product was cooked, 24 (47%) reported eating raw or undercooked meat.

Interpretation: The risk for Trichinella infection associated with commercial pork has decreased substantially in the United States since the 1940s, when data collection on trichinellosis cases first began. However, the continued identification of cases related to both pork and nonpork sources indicates that public education about trichinellosis and the dangers of consuming raw or undercooked meat still is needed.

Public Health Actions: Changes in domestic pork production and public health education regarding the safe preparation of pork have contributed to the reduction in the incidence of trichinellosis in the United States; however, consumption of wild game meat such as bear continues to be an important source of infection. Hunters and consumers of wild game meat should be educated about the risk associated with consumption of raw or undercooked meat.
