Weird because their old steak also sucked: No one likes Chipotle’s new steak

After all of their food safety issues, Chipotle had to change the way they make a lot of their menu items, including steak. Now, steak is cooked on low heat at an offsite facility, and when it gets to stores it’s marinated and grilled.


Chipotle spokesperson Chris Arnold told Business Insider, “If there is any difference, it’s that the steak may be more tender than it was before,” to which we say, LOL. There’s no way that’s true.

Lots of customers feel the same way. There’s a Reddit post dedicated to solving the mystery called, “What happened to the taste?” So far, there are 27 comments, but this one seems to sum it up: “The new steak sucks, plain and simple.”

Other Redditors agree. “It’s dry, overcooked, and therefore chewy. I actually just had ‘fresh’ steak last night (they had just pulled it off the grill and sliced it) and it was still dry and overcooked.”

“Used to be a three time a week regular, same with a bunch of friends,” said another. “Anyone who was a steak lover including my girlfriend has stopped going really.”

Others argued it was harder to cook tasty steak with the new method, especially when preparing steak until it reached the required temperature for food safety.

steak.therm.jun.16“To me, this new steak never has a chance to be medium rare,”writes one Chipotle employee. “It goes from cold to medium well in two minutes on the grill.”

“Customer reactions so far? Not good,” another Redditor claiming to be a Chipotle employee wrote in March. “Many are saying the steak isn’t rare enough and that is tastes different… poor quality. I use to have a lot of pride in my steak, now that pride has faded.”

Twitter users are also complaining.

Chipotle’s food safety nightmare just keeps getting worse. For now, maybe stick to sofritos. Or, just eat somewhere else.

Like at our guest house in Maubuisson, France, where I went into town the other day and got these two from the butcher – shown against Hubbell tiny hands that are much larger than Trump tiny hands, for comparative purposes – and prepared on charcoal until close to 140F and then sat for 10 minutes.

It was really f*ucking good.

Guelph is no Oxford – but the food hygiene sucks at both

When I began university, staying in an on-campus residence, the occupants had to sign up to a meal plan. That was 1981, and you could buy five pitchers of beer on a $20 meal card in the local dining hall at the University of Guelph.

The food was gross, but we always ate in our rooms, saving the meal cards for beer.

And maybe we were on to something. Because 18 years later, the uppity Oxford University has been outted as having horrible food prep standards.

At New College a mouse was found eating food from a wheelie bin and dirty work tops were identified.

Rats were discovered scurrying around the rear yard outside kitchens at Mansfield and Pembroke Colleges.

Council workers were appalled by the dilapidated state of kitchens at many of the old buildings and said they were badly in need of a re-fit.

At Worcester College part of the ceiling collapsed in the area where plates are washed but staff continued to carry on working around it.

And in the typical leadership fashion of most higher institutes of learning,

A spokesman for Oxford University said it was a matter for individual colleges and they would not be commenting.

Canada’s surveillance system still sucks

During the 728 or so interviews I’ve done on tomatoes and Salmonella in the past week, a radio reporter in Calgary asked me, as did several other Canadian outlets,

"What is the Canadian Food Inspection Agency doing?"


CFIA can speak for itself.

When asked if Canadians were safe from this outbreak, I said, maybe, depends on first figuring out where the contaminated tomatoes were grown, then depends on what was coming into Canada at that point in time.

That uncertainty would help explain why Canadian fast-food outlets pulled fresh tomatoes from their offerings — at least until the source could be verified.

But, I added, even if someone did get sick, it would be difficult to notice because Canadian health surveillance sucks.

Apparently the Canadian Medical Association agrees, calling the system,

"a national embarrassment."

Dr. Kumanan Wilson writes in the Canadian Medical Association Journal that the Auditor General of Canada has warned 3 times, most recently in May, 2008, that Canada’s failure to develop surveillance systems puts Canadians at risk.

In an accompanying editorial, Dr. Amir Attaran  of the University of Ottawa, writing on behalf of CMAJ’s editorial team, calls upon the federal government to "legislate a way past the jurisdictional schisms" and make information regarding health epidemics readily available. Currently, "12 of 13 provinces are under no obligation to share information with the federal government or the rest of Canada during an outbreak," writes Dr. Attaran. "We at CMAJ believe this is a national embarrassment."