Listeria can be sticky

This study evaluated the occurrence of L. monocytogenes in the processing environment of a butcher shop, and the in vitro adhesion capacity and sensitivity of isolates to two sanitizers: A (Mister MaxDG1, chlorine based) and B (B-Quart Sept, quaternary ammonium based).

rolling_stones-sticky_fingersOf the total of 40 samples, 75% were positive for Listeria spp. and 22.5% for L. monocytogenes. 20 isolates were from serogroup 1/2c or 3c, with positive results for all tested virulence genes. All isolates presented adhesion potential. The evaluated sanitizers had the potential to inhibit isolates growth and adhesion, and removed formed biofilms. After evaluation, the sanitizers were adopted by the butcher shop in its sanitation routine, being effective against L. monocytogenes.

Collected data allowed identification of adhesion potential by L. monocytogenes and the effectiveness of the tested sanitizers to control contamination by this pathogen.

Listeria spp. contamination in a butcher shop environment and Listeria monocytogenes adhesion ability and sensitivity to food-contact surface sanitizers

Journal of Food Safety, DOI: 10.1111/jfs.12313, ahead of print

DAL Silva, AC Camargo, SD Todorov, LA Nero;jsessionid=302167477C8A0B64C7E52E6E08696398.f03t02