Mystery of kitchen’s ‘clean bill of health’ in Malta

St Vincent de Paul home for the elderly was “in constant breach” of health and food hygiene regulations and it was difficult to understand how it was given “a clean bill of health” in previous months, a report by the Institute for Tourism Studies has concluded.

St Vincent de Paul home for the elderlyThe report, extracts of which were seen by Times of Malta, also points out that the home for the elderly – the country’s largest – did not have a system to identify and control food safety hazards.

“In view of the fact that no HACCP [Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points or Security System] is in place… one fails to understand how the… kitchen was for the last few months given a clean bill of health,” according to the report, completed on May 30.

On Tuesday Parliamentary Secretary for the Elderly Justyne Caruana announced that the kitchen would be closed down and rebuilt.