It’s the best scene from Snatch: Oregon farmer convicted of killing men, feeding to pigs

Jurors spent only about an hour deliberating Tuesday before convicting an Oregon woman of killing two handymen and feeding their corpses to her pigs.

The Jackson County jury found Susan Monica guilty of murdering two men about a year apart, then abusing their corpses by feeding them to the animals at her farm, The Medford Mail Tribunereported.

Circuit Judge Tim Barnack immediately sentenced Monica to a minimum 50 years in prison.

“You shot two people and fed them to your pigs,” the judge told Monica, 66. “I don’t know how else I can put it. You valued pigs more than you value people.

70-year-old Oregon farmer eaten by his hogs

In a scene apparently out of movies like Snatch or Hannibal, Terry V. Garner, a 70-year-old Oregon farmer, went to feed his animals. Several hours later, when he hadn’t returned, a family member went to look for him and found, on the ground of the hog enclosure, his dentures.

NBC reports that further investigation of the enclosure revealed that the hogs, which each weighed about 700 pounds, had nearly completely eaten the farmer, although some body parts were strewn about the enclosure.

Now the Coos County Sheriff’s Office is investigating how Garner “ended up in a position where the hogs were able to consume him.” According to the Sheriff’s statement:

There are several scenarios being investigated, including that Mr. Garner had a health event, such as a heart attack, which then put him in a position where the hogs could consume him. Another scenario being investigated is that given the age and health of Mr. Garner, that one or more of the hogs knocked Mr. Garner to the ground, whereupon that hogs killed and consumed him. In addition, due to the unusual circumstances presented

The statement added that at least one of the hogs had previously been aggressive toward the farmer but did not specify how many hogs live on the farm.

Cycling safety in Brisbane; do you know what nemesis means?

I got hit by a van this morning.

Nothing serious, but if I wasn’t awake Sorenne would have been crushed in the trailer as we returned from Saturday morning swimming lessons.

Manhattan (Kansas) and Brisbane are both lovely places with lovely people and drivers with the collective alertness of a bag of hammers.

Stop signs are barely existent and those available are treated as a suggestion. Dude rolled right through the stop sign and into me. 2011 Tour de France winner, Aussie Cadel Evans, famously called Brisbane the worst city for cyclists last year.

I did my best Brick Top from Snatch after the incident (left, not exactly as shown), screaming, “It’s not as if I’m in-f***ing-conspicuous,” with a big yellow trailer and a six-foot flag.