Idiot America: Donald Trump Jr. compares Syrian refugees to poisoned Skittles

Donald Trump’s appearance on Monday in Estero, Fla., got eclipsed by comments made by his son, Donald Trump Jr., about Syrian refugees.

skittles-wrapper-smallTweeting an image with the “Make America Great Again” logo, he compared Syrian refugees to poisoned Skittles:

“If I had a bowl of skittles and I told you just three would kill you.

Would you take a handful?

That’s our Syrian refugee problem.”

Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr

This image says it all. Let’s end the politically correct agenda that doesn’t put America first. #trump2016

In addition to his deplorable politics, he knows nothing about food safety. Or Skittles.


Contaminated Skittles sold at Indiana store; 2 treated for burning throats, diarrhea

I’ve always been a Smarties type, but for some of my kids, who maybe watched the South Park movie at an impressionable age, Skittles brings them to hysterical laughter.

Not so much fun for the two people who ate from a package of contaminated Skittles required hospital treatment for burning throats, cramping and diarrhea, Indiana authorities big_gay_als_big_gay_boat_ridesaid Wednesday night.

The Indiana State Department of Health said in a news release that preliminary tests showed that packages of Skittles sold at a Marathon Food Mart in Richmond had some kind of chemical substances, though what exactly those substances were has yet to be confirmed.

Investigators also don’t yet know if the package of candy was tampered with, but Indiana State Police, the Indiana Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have joined the investigation, Health Department spokesman Amy Reel said.

Authorities are advising people who purchased Skittles with the lot numbers 08JUL14 023 or 01DEC14 023 not to consume the candy but to place the package in an envelope, hold it in a secure location and contact Indiana State Police.