50 sick: the link between Simon Cowell, botox and pesto?

Food poisoning can be caused by Clostridium botulinum, a bacteria that can form spores which require extra processing or careful control of temperature. Botox, derived from botulinum, is used by vain people.

UK’s Daily Mail, you are a gift that keeps giving, after reporting “dozens of people have been hospitalized in Italy after eating pesto sauce contaminated with Botox. … Tests on the pesto The X-Factor final Photo Call, Londonshowed the presence of the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, which produces the toxin Botulinum, used cosmetically by television personalities such as Simon Cowell. When ingested the toxin causes a life-threatening kind of food poisoning.”

The local producer responsible for the outbreak has been growing the area’s renowned basil for almost two centuries, but only recently started selling pre-prepared jars of the sauce. 

The company said, “We made the discovery during our own tests and analysis of our fresh product, non-pasteurized product, which contains no preservatives.”

Refrigeration would help.