Oregon family to sue hospital for missing E. coli O157 that killed girl, 4

The devastated family of a 4-year-old Oregon girl who died Monday after contracting E. coli plans to sue a hospital the family says failed to properly diagnose the illness.

serena1Serena Profitt was taken off life support Monday evening after falling sick just a week prior, despite several attempts to get her medical help as her condition grew increasingly worse, her family said.

“We don’t want money, we want them to be accountable … to say this will not happen again to another child,” the girl’s aunt, Aleasha Hargitt, told KATU-TV.

Her family took the blond child to the Samaritan North Lincoln Hospital in Lincoln City, Ore., Sept. 3 and sent her home

“(Serena’s mom) asked (the hospital) to run the tests, so they dismissed her from the hospital at Lincoln City on Wednesday with the rotavirus, they said go home, check in with their pediatrician on Thursday, which was recommended by the hospital,” Hargitt told the TV station.

The next day, the family returned to the same hospital with the girl, who’d had a fever, abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea. A different doctor saw the sick girl, but again sent the family home, this time with a misdiagnosis, Hargitt says.

“He specifically said E. coli was negative,” Hargitt told KATU.

The family again returned home, but Serena showed no improvement. Distressed and concerned, they drove about 50 miles Saturday to a hospital in McMinnville, Ore., where doctors realized her condition was grave.

“Everybody was very surprised. I know the McMinnville doctor was maddened, like, he was upset,” Hargitt told the station. “If (North Lincoln Hospital) ordered (the test), why didn’t (they) run it? Why did you cancel it? Is it too expensive? Is it too time consuming? Is it too much out of you day. I don’t know. It’s a question they don’t want to answer right now.”

Oregon 4-year-old girl diagnosed with E. coli dies

Four-year-old Serena Profitt died Monday at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital in Oregon, after being diagnosed with E. coli and a 6-year-old family friend is also sick.

serena1Doctors, at this point, do not know the source of the E. coli.

The pastor said the families played “in a pond in the Lebanon area, playing in a river, and they did eat at a restaurant here in the Lincoln City area. The family has said the one thing those two children did that none of the other kids did was share a sandwich at this particular restaurant.”

The pastor did not name the restaurant.

Serena went into kidney failure and had a stroke Sunday night, KOIN 6 News learned. She suffered severe brain damage and died on Monday.

KOIN 6 News does not know the condition of the 6-year-old boy, who is reportedly being treated in the Tacoma area.

Tragic: Oregon girl contracts E. coli; family prepares to say goodbye

Her family describes her as a cute blonde hair firecracker. Sadly today they are preparing to say goodbye.

serena1Serena Profitt is just four years old. Her uncle Travis Harget told KXL after a day of fun with her family in Lincoln City she became very sick. After a short stay at the Lincoln City Hospital she was taken to Doernbecher Children’s Hospital with a life threatening illness.

They diagnosed her with E. coli. Her uncles said her kidneys began to shut down. And he says because it had been so long between the time she got sick last week to the E. coli diagnoses she developed HUS syndrome. She started having minor seizures. The syndrome is attacking her brain. Right now she qualifies as brain dead.

He says doctors will run another test tonight to reassess but the family is preparing to say goodbye.  The question now turns to where the E-Coli infection came from. Travis says during the trip Serena along with a 5-year-old friend shared a Turkey Sandwich at a local restaurant. That five year old also has been diagnosed with E. coli and is in a Tacoma hospital.