Pizzeria in Sweden mixed sauce with cement mixer

People send me things, and I am grateful. This one’s from Sweden, and some things may be lost in translation.

A customer at a pizzeria in Skåne who found a screw in his kebab went back the day after with his find to confront the pizza bakers. They expressed no surprise, but told me that other customers found the screws in the food, according to the customer who reported the incident.

“The screw was sitting on a pair of pliers that we use throughout the day to add to salad and finally to release it and fall into the kebab box. The screw is black and kebab is black – it’s not easy to see the time,” says the restaurant’s owner told DN.

It was March 8 that the customer bought a kebab at the pizzeria to take away and eat at home. In the food he found to his undisguised astonishment a screw. The day after he went back to the pizzeria to talk about the event and show the screw. The staff seemed, as the customer, do not be surprised, but told me that something like this happened before.

The customer reported the incident to the Environment Agency on the resort. In an unannounced inspection at the pizzeria told the staff that they noticed that the screw on a pair of pliers were plaster gone. It had been replaced with a new screw. Although a nut was missing on the forceps used it anyway in daily operations. Where the original screw gone had not thought about, according to the inspection report that DN seen.

It was also found during the inspection personnel to use a cement mixer for mixing sauces and dressings. It was painted with blue paint – paint flaked off in several places.