Say Anything lead singer pukes on stage on unluckiest security guard ever

TMZ reports that the Lead singer of Say Anything hurled on stage Monday night … soaking a security guard in vomit.

say.anything.barfLead singer Max Bemis was towards the end of the set at the House of Blues in West Hollywood when he projectile vomited without warning. It’s unclear why … but there was alcohol on stage so it ain’t that hard to read between the lines.

Bemis didn’t miss a beat, and continued singing “I Want to Know Your Plans.” As for the security guard … well it definitely ruined his night.

Sometimes being close to the stage is overrated (There was this one time at a Who concert in Toronto in 1979, when me and my friend Dave decided we were too close to the stage by all the idiots around us, and the only way to get out was for me to roll my eyes into the back of my head, and Dave dragged me out, yelling, OD, OD. It worked.)

People still sick in Ontario from E. coli O157:H7 but no details; more beef recalled

Supposed health types in Canada still won’t reveal how many people are sick in Ontario (that’s in Canada), as part of an E. coli O157:H7 outbreak. Useful information like geographic location, date of onset and other public health basics that may limit additional illnesses is being withheld. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency will only say it “is aware of an E. coli O157:H7 illness outbreak in Ontario.”

Is this part of a new CFIA Say Nothing policy?

Last night, CFIA did tell the public not to eat Leadbetters Cowboy Beef Burgers, sold frozen in 2.27 Kg (5 lb) cartons containing 20 X 113.5gr (4oz) burgers bearing the UPC 8 73587 00003 5 and code 20169.