Can satire sell food safety? Rotten Food Cookbook

Amy got me a present, The Rotten Food Cookbook, featuring recipes such

  • Oysters KilledPatrick;
  • Chicken Seizure Salad;
  • Banana Spit; and,
  • Puking Duck.

The book is by Shane van de Vorstenbosch of Baulkham Hills, NSW, Australia.

Designed to teach people about the importance of food safety, the satirical book is filled with recipes that are sure to result in food poisoning.

Each recipe focuses on a safety issue and is followed by information on the correct way to prepare, store and cook food.

Van de Vorstenbosch has worked in the food safety industry for 15 years, selling products to hospitality and medical businesses.

While the book was written for hospitality workers, van de Vorstenbosch said it was useful for everyone.

“The biggest hurdle I’ve got is selling food safety solutions when people don’t want to talk about it,” he said. “If you talk about food safety it is boring, but if you talk about food poisoning it is very personal . . . we all care about not getting food poisoning.”

Tru dat.