Iowa school dismissed early because of suspected food poisoning outbreak among staff

Another catered meal, another staff (staph) outbreak.

Roosevelt High SchoolReminds me of those catered lunches Kansas State would get from Jimmy Johns, even though sprout outbreaks were rampant.

Classes at Roosevelt High School were dismissed early Thursday because a large number of the school’s staff was struck down with suspected food poisoning.

In an e-mail to students’ parents Principal Kevin Biggs said they don’t have enough staff to continue with normal activities, so the decision was made to dismiss school early and cancel all indoor school activities after school. Outdoor activities are still going forward.

Parent-teacher conferences are being postponed.

The Polk County Health Department believes the staff is suffering from food poisoning.

Biggs said the food served to the staff was from a catered luncheon Wednesday, with food prepared by two outside businesses, and was not served to students.