Leafy greens cone of silence descends again; Minnesota Applebee’s pulls salad after E. coli O111 cases

For all the bragging the California Leafy Greens Marketing folks do, you’d think like anyone serving food, they should take responsibility and man-up when their product is implicated in a foodborne outbreak.

applebbes.ricky_.bobby_-300x168No one is saying it’s California leafy greens, but Applebee’s restaurant officials have removed the chain’s popular Oriental Chicken Salad from the menu in Minnesota after at least seven diners fell ill with a rare strain of E. coli food poisoning.

The Applebee’s cases are among 13 reports of E. coli O111 infections in the state all tied to the same genetic strain of the bug — one that has not previously been seen in the U.S. In addition, two more cases have been reported in two other unidentified states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The six remaining cases in Minnesota appear to have no connection with Applebee’s, health officials said. Four of those sickened were hospitalized. Restaurant officials are cooperating fully with officials and pulled the salad and other ingredients included from the menu as a precaution. 
