Jennifer Lawrence barfs during Broadway show

Mike Moffitt of SF Gate reports “Hunger Games” star Jennifer Lawrence vomited during a Broadway adaptation of George Orwell‘s “1984,” but she says it was not the harrowing torture scene that made her toss her cookies.

The actress’ stomach problems were first reported by Page Six.

The play’s upsetting staging has reportedly caused audience members to faint, although until Monday night, no one apparently has thrown up.

Those who have read “1984,” are well aware of a nausea-inducing scene involving a cage and a rat.

According to a Page Six source, “Midway through the show, Jennifer Lawrence bolted from her seat. Several people saw her getting sick in the lobby. The ushers were very helpful and courteous in helping her out.”

The site quoted a friend of Lawrence, who said the visceral staging had nothing to do with the actress’ stomach distress. “She caught the stomach flu from her nephews,” the source said.

It’s not the first time Lawrence has publicly puked.

At a Guy Oseary-Madonna party in 2014, she got sick and threw up on a porch.

She told Seth Meyers: “I was in such bad condition, and I look behind me while I’m puking, and Miley Cyrus is there like, ‘Get it together.'”

Fancy food ain’t safe food and everyone’s got a camera, celebrity cupcake edition

James Wilkinson of the Daily Mail reports that customers of celebrity-endorsed California cupcake shop Sprinkles have been given paws for thought after footage emerged of a giant rat scurrying across its shelves.

The video, entitled ‘Rat in cupcake store/live Ratatouille’, shows the rogue rodent scampering over empty shelves in the store, which was closed overnight.

On Monday chief marketing officer Jennifer Warner told KTLA 5: ‘We deeply regret that an unfortunate set of circumstances, including a structural malfunction, lead to this incident.’

Sprinkles, which is owned by Cupcake Wars judge Candace Nelson, started in Beverly Hills in 2005. Its Glendale branch opened three years ago. 

According to the Sprinkles website, other celebs that favor the chain include Blake Lively, Katie Holmes, Barbra Streisand and Ryan Seacrest.

These people are celebrities? Hopeless.



Everyone’s got a camera Spanish bakery edition: Rats tucking into sandwiches at popular chain

Customers at a Madrid bakery witnessed a rather unexpected – and stomach churning – sight on Friday: four rats tucking into sandwiches in the bakery’s display case. 

rat-granier-bakeryThe rodents were spotted by two men passing by a branch of the Granier bakery chain and were caught on camera helping themselves to food that was left in a glass-fronted display case.  

The men can be heard joking “how cute” as they film the two large rats scampering over the fresh food in a video published on social media.

Police confirmed they were called to the bakery at around 1.30pm on Friday and had closed the establishment pending health and safety checks. 

Granier, a Spanish chain, has 350 bakeries across Spain as well as in Portugal, Italy and London. 

The company confirmed that the bakery, located in the Pueblo Nuevo neighbourhood of Madrid, “was closed and would stay closed”, in a statement released on Friday. 

“The company has put itself at the disposal of the appropriate authorities and has opened an internal investigation into these events,” the company said, adding that food safety protocol had been “strictly adhered to” in the establishment. 

Granier said that the bakery underwent quarterly inspections, the last having taken place on October 26, when, according to documents released by the company, the branch in question was fumigated. 

It was, the company claimed, “an isolated event” and “the 350 Granier establishments in Spain and abroad comply strictly with all food health regulations.”

Fancy food ain’t safe food: ‘Live rat’ lands on woman’s head UK edition

A rodent believed to have been a live rat fell from the ceiling and landed on a woman’s head as she dined at a fancy London restaurant.

smiths-of-smithfieldThe animal, only a baby at three inches long, was killed on impact when it hit the woman and bounced on to the table at expensive Smiths of Smithfield where the woman was eating with a group of friends.

Obviously horrified by what happened, their party started protesting at what had happened, alerting staff to the unwelcome garnish to their food.

‘We were disgusted,’ witness Paul Stubbs, a 56-year-old city worker from Harrow in North West London told the Sun.

‘It was only a baby but still about three inches long. It had obviously fallen from a nest in the open vents.

‘People were pretty horrified. Everybody stayed to finish, though I wouldn’t go back.’

The restaurant reportedly offered the group of 24 a £450 discount from their bill.

Staff allegedly told customers that the small rodent was a mouse – however, pest control experts told the Sun they were ‘fairly convinced’ it was a baby rat.

The restaurant, rated 3.5 stars on TripAdvisor, is situated next to the capital’s only working meat market and is famous for its rare breed steak and prime cuts. has contacted Smiths of Smithfield for a comment on the rat/possibly a baby mouse incident.

A spokesman previously said: ‘At Smiths we pride ourselves on our hygiene and food safety management. We have investigated the matter fully and this is an isolated incident and we confirm that there is no risk to our customers.’

He went on to say the diners ‘were offered what was accepted as reasonable compensation.’

The Brits ooze with empathy.

Yes: Do you really want to know what’s in your burger?

Is there meat in your veggie burger? It’s possible, according to Clear Labs, a company that genetically tests food products.

meatwad.raw.hamburgerThe company, which gave consumers a peek into the hot dog industry last October, revealed on Tuesday just what consumers are getting when they purchase burger products.

Clear Labs examined 258 samples from 79 brands and 22 different retailers. The samples included ground meat, frozen patties, veggie burgers and fast food burgers.

The company determined that 6.6 percent of the products contained an ingredient that was not listed on the label. In fact, there was beef DNA found in five products that were not supposed to contain beef, including two vegetarian burger products.

In addition, there were 14 products — all vegetarian — that were missing ingredients that were listed on the label. This includes a black bean burger that didn’t have any black beans in it. Altogether, 23.6 percent of vegetarian products were determined to have some discrepancy between the final product and the ingredients listed on the label.

That’s not where the trouble ends for veggie products, however. One vegetarian burger was determined to contain human DNA. The company notes that it was unable to uncover the source of the DNA, but it was likely from hair or skin cells.

Clear Labs also found issues with the meat samples that it tested. A fast food burger and a ground meat sample both contained rat DNA, in addition to one vegetarian burger.

In addition, seven of the 258 samples of meat tested contained a pathogen that had the potential to cause a foodborne illness. The report notes that the pathogens found in the cooked burgers were less likely to be alive and pose a smaller health risk.

“Although we did find several surprising quality issues, signaling that there are gaps in food safety and quality protocols that should be addressed, our findings suggest that the beef industry as a whole has benefited from stringent regulation and aggressive testing requirements,” Clear Labs said in the report.

cartmaburgerprocessjpg“I don’t think this report is helpful for a consumer to know if the food that they are choosing is safe or not,” Mandy Carr, the senior executive director of science and product solutions for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, told CNBC.

She raised concerns as to when the DNA discovered on the products was added, noting that the samples could have been contaminated in the lab it was tested in. Carr also noted that the study did not delve into whether the pathogens found in the meat were alive or benign, something that could have been tested.

You got a rat in UK, you go to jail: New regs for eatery owners

A plan to impose tougher penalties on restaurants, cafes and takeaways infested with pests is good news for North East diners, according to a national trade body.

Business owners found guilty of food safety offences could now face much bigger fines or even jail terms following the introduction of new sentencing guidelines.

The British Pest Control Association (BPCA) says restaurants and takeaways which ignore pest management are putting the lives of their sq-willard-crispin-glover-rat-nlcustomers at risk and hopes the move will ensure every catering business in the area takes their responsibility for pest control seriously.

But it insists stronger punishments will only act as a greater deterrent if they’re imposed across the board, from large organisations to sole traders, on a regular basis.

Simon Forrester, chief executive of the BPCA, said: “The laws governing food hygiene make business owners fully responsible for pest control at their premises.

“Those who ignore it and end up with infestations on their sites should be made to pay the price.

A NY rat carries a slice of pizza into the subway

Here’s a video of a very determined rat carrying a slice of pizza down stairs and into our hearts.

RatatouilleThe disturbing and oddly endearing 14-second video is going viral on Facebook and Twitter, being touted by many as “the most New York thing ever.” The YouTube clip was ostensibly shot in New York City on stairs leading down to the subway.

Why is it so popular? Well, it’s Monday. This has to be a metaphor for something.

Obviously, the Internet is having some fun with #pizzarat.

“I have taken the pizza wasted on the subway forgive me it was wasted on the ground forgive me it was so pizza and I’m a rat”


There’s a camera everywhere: NY rat-in-kitchen photo leads health department to shut down Prosperity Dumpling in Chinatown

A popular dumpling restaurant in Manhattan has been shut down after a photo of a rat in the kitchen surfaced online, prompting the health department to do a surprise inspection.

The New York City Department of Health closed Prosperity Dumpling on Eldridge Street in Chinatown Thursday night.

An anonymous tipster sent a photo to the website,, of a back alley area where food is prepared at the restaurant. In the shot, a rat can be clearly seen on the ground. The person who took the photo said it was taken Sunday evening and that the photo had been sent to the health department.

The restaurant received an “A” grade in its most recent inspection on May 28, although the restaurant inspection cites “live roaches present in facility’s food and/or non-food areas” as one of its sanitary violations.

UK restaurant closed after dead rat found

Rat carcasses, droppings, flies and contaminated food were just some of the problems food safety officers found when they carried out surprise inspections of food businesses in Ealing.

Coco Noodle Bar, on Ealing BroadwayCoco Noodle Bar, on Ealing Broadway, was forced to close for a week after dirt, droppings and a rat carcass were found. This is the third time in 8 years that Noodle Bar has been closed for food safety reasons. The restaurant’s owner, Michael Ly, has reportedly already paid £30,000 in fines for the first two instances.