Fear and loathing in North Carolina: Pizzeria employee suspected of putting rat poison in cheese

Joel Shannon of USA Today reports police aren’t sure what substance Ricky Lee Adami put into the cheese, but they think it was rat poison. 

That’s according to a Wednesday release from Fayetteville, N.C., police who said Adami had been charged with food tampering in connection with an incident at the Primo Pizza restaurant.

Adami is charged with distributing food containing noxious/deleterious material.

No contaminated cheese was served to customers, police say.

Adami was charged after an alert manager noticed an unknown substance mixed into the shredded cheese on a pizza, police say.

The manager stopped preparing the pizza and looked up surveillance footage to determine which employee prepared the cheese, police say. 

Adami has been previously convicted of multiple crimes in the 1980s and 1990s, according to public records obtained by The Charolette Observer. Among those crimes: burning a public building, multiple DWIs, and multiple breaking and enterings.

Adami is 55-years-old and was an employee at the Primo Pizza restaurant located at 2810 Raeford Road in Fayetteville, the Observer reports.


Uni piggery suspends supply of pigs to Australian market while it investigates possible rat poison contamination

The University of Queensland’s Gatton piggery has suspended the supply of pigs to market while it investigates concerns about possible rat poison contamination.

The suspension follows testing on the livers of five pigs which died during a seven-month period last year.

Tests found traces of coumatetralyl, the active ingredient in rat poison.

The poison was used by the university to control the rat population at the Gatton piggery UQ.piggeryuntil early September 2013.

The university’s acting Vice-Chancellor Alan Rix said the university was working with Safe Food Queensland and the Queensland Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Department on further testing and analysis.

“All rat poison has been removed from the Gatton piggery and the site has been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected,’’ Professor Rix said.

Queensland’s Chief Health Officer Jeannette Young said the risk to humans of eating pork from the piggery was negligible.

“This was my opinion when I was first informed of the issue and the results of testing since then have confirmed this view,’’ Dr Young said.

“There is no food recall for pork or pork products because there is no serious risk to humans.’’

2 dead in Ivory Coast; rat poison confused for coffee

A mother in the Ivory Coast woke up early to make breakfast, and confused the coffee can with a box of rat poison.

coffee.rat.poisonIt is believed the mix-up was due to a lack of electricity.

The father and his son have died after being shaken by severe pain.

The mother and daughter were admitted to the regional hospital Abengourou. 

Rat poison deliberately added to yogurt kills 2 children in China

Chinese state media say two girls have died after eating poisoned yogurt placed outside their kindergarten at the direction of the head of a rival school.

The Xinhua News Agency says police believe the poisoning was motivated by competition for students between the schools.

It says the woman confessed that she injected the yogurt with rat poison and asked a man to place it with notebooks on the road to the rival kindergarten in poison.skullPingshan county in Hebei province.

Xinhua said Thursday that the girls’ grandmother found the books and yogurt and took them home on April 24. The children suffered convulsions after drinking the yogurt and died later.