Inspector photos at Texas meat market expose roaches in sink, rodent droppings on rags

iPhones are wonderful, except when they get dropped in toilets. A camera in your pocket that can take pics, record video, and then immediately send it off. This one time, I was threatened by one of the crims living next door, and Amy had her iPhone ready to record whatever may have happened (nothing did other than posturing, or as Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott would say, referring to Putin, a full-on shirt-front).

rodent.poop.ragsAn inspector scouring Texas Meats of Brownsville found evidence of roaches and rodents, according to a health report.

The two violations accounted for six demerits at the location on 1395 Military Highway last month.

Inspector photos obtained by the Food Patrol documented the violations.

Dead roaches were seen inside a sink.

Rodent poop was found on top of containers and on rags (exactly as shown, right).

The business was ordered to fumigate within 24 hours.

The Food Patrol reached out to management for a comment but Action 4 News has not yet heard back.