The Crown:: Queen Elizabeth’s staff follows serious (not so much) food poisoning protocol

Queen Elizabeth has a crafty way to avoid getting poisoned at the dinner table. A new documentary called Secrets of the Royal Kitchen explores the ins and outs of Buckingham Palace’s kitchens, including the lengths royal staffers go to keep Elizabeth safe. Here’s a quick look at all the interesting elements that go into a state banquet with the Queen.

During state banquets, Her Majesty’s staff are required to follow a serious protocol to keep her safe – and the lengths they go for her safety might surprise you.

A personal chef at the palace prepares the dishes for all of the guests. According to the New York Post, Elizabeth’s staff members then chose a random plate for her in an effort to prevent someone from poisoning her food.

The only way someone would be able to poison Queen Elizabeth is if they contaminated all of the dishes. This tactic has paid off so far, though we couldn’t imagine why someone would want to poison the Queen.

“After everything is plated up, a page chooses at random one of the plates to be served to her majesty,” Emily Andrews, a correspondent for the royals, shared. “So if anyone did want to poison the monarch they’d have to poison the whole lot.”

The documentary also revealed that banquet guests are required to follow some strict rules while dining with  Elizabeth Queen.

This includes finishing their plates before Her Majesty is done eating. This is an old tradition that used to be more of an issue in the past as guests would race to finish their food. It is unclear if the palace requires visitors to follow this protocol or if they have gotten more flexible in recent years.

There are, of course, plenty of other traditions guests are required to follow whenever they are eating with the Queen.

For starters, nobody sits down until Elizabeth has been seated. You also cannot start eating until she has taken her first bite.

Elizabeth also has a personal menu that has been crafted to her liking. She schedules her meals three days in advance to give the palace chef plenty of time to gather ingredients.

When picking her dining options, Elizabeth crosses out dishes she doesn’t like. She also crosses out entire pages whenever she has a royal event that evening and will not be dining in the palace.

Sounds like me being in psyche jail.

And not a mention of microbiology.


Hellloooo: Queen Elizabeth released from hospital after 2-day stay

Queen Elizabeth has been released after spending two days in the hospital with what was suspected to be norovirus.

“The Queen has left The King Edward VII’s hospital, having been admitted briefly as part of the assessment of symptoms of gastroenteristis,” Buckingham Palace said early afternoon Monday, London time.

Royal sources had said Her Majesty, 86, seemed in “good spirits” Sunday, and that the admission to the hospital was strictly precautionary.

It was the first time in 10 years the Queen had been hospitalized. It was not known if food was involved in transmitting the virus.

UK chef kills swan to answer question: do all swans belong to the Queen?

That Mother’s Day goose I made? It was awful. And wildly over-priced. I won’t be doing that again anytime soon. Although I have gotten much better at bread making thanks to some personalized tips from Chef Bryan.

The U.K. Telegraph reports that a chef has appeared in court charged with killing and cooking a swan in a case set to test the ancient law that all 30,000 wild swans in Britain belong to the Queen (right, not exactly as shown).

Mohammed Miah, 29, of Bedford, was allegedly found with blood and feathers on his hands, while the carcass of the bird was found in a black bin bag.

Miah was charged after an investigation by police and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB).

He is accused of stealing the swan from the Crown and killing it in Bedford during the early hours of May 10.

Simon Cocksedge, defending, at Bedford Magistrates Court asked for the case to be adjourned for time to research the law relating to swans.