Beware the herbs: parsley positive for salmonella in Quebec

Thanks to Google Translate and my French professor partner, I can report the Quebec Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ, that’s in Canada), along with the City of Montreal and Provigo, Loblaw group member, are warning the public not to consume fresh curly parsley purchased December 13, 2010 at the establishment located at 12780 Maxi Sherbrooke East, Montreal, because it could be contaminated with salmonella.

The Quebec releases are only available in the Quebec-version of French.

The product was sold in bundles, without packaging, at the facility mentioned above. No illnesses have been reported – yet.

People who have this food in their possession are advised not to eat it and return it to the store where they bought it or throw it away. Even if the product does not show evidence of tampering or suspicious odor, a microbiological investigation revealed the presence of Salmonella.