Staple found in M&M pretzel

Gonzalo Erdozain, a first-year veterinary student at Kansas State University, writes:

You may be familiar with stories about people – or aliens — wearing meat bikinis, chicken heads in McNuggets, flies in soup and even used tampons in food (which makes me want to barf just writing about it), but I have now joined the ranks of the bizarre when I discovered a staple in my Pretzel M&M.

The fact that it was a pretzel inside an M&M was edgy enough, but to my surprise, this one last M&M came with another treat inside, a staple. After chewing on something that at first felt like a plastic strip, I decided it was time to pull it out of my mouth, and to my amusement, and that of my lab mates, it was a regular, metal staple. I would rather take my chances with Salmonella or E. coli that I know I can cook to death rather than bleeding internally to death.