Canadian backpacker dies after ‘drinking tea in Peru shaman ceremony that caused her to vomit until she passed out’

A 32-year-old Canadian woman died as she drank tea at a Peru shaman ceremony. 

255C1D4400000578-2941085-image-a-1_1423143920090Jennifer Logan of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan was backpacking through the country when she had a fatal medical reaction as she drank tea designed to make people vomit, purge and cleanse the body at a rainforest retreat on January 17.

She had to be taken by motorcycle and then boat to the nearest hospital, but she could not be revived by doctors, who say the woman died of a pulmonary edema.

Amy Logan, the victim’s youngest sister who recently traveled to Peru with her mother to retrieve her sister’s remains, told CBC; ‘We suspect the tea had a role.’

Officers have examined the cup Ms. Logan drank out of and the jug while also conducting interviews with staff  as they investigate the death.

Ms. Logan’s sister explained that the participants at the two week long all-female retreat at the Canto Luz Centre outside Puerto Maldonado were each given tea to drink.

Frog in a blender? People in Peru are drinking frog juice

The Titicaca water frog is very large and entirely aquatic and makes its home in the high-altitude rivers that flow into Andean lake for which it is named.

frog.blenderIn addition to being named a critically endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the frog, according to the Associated Press, is also believed by some Peruvians and Bolivians to be a cure for human maladies as wide ranging and seemingly unrelated as asthma, osteoporosis, fatigue and a low libido.

So say some Peruvians who make a habit of turning the amphibians into “juice.”

“I always come to drink frog juice here because it’s good for the children,” Cecilia Cahuana told the AP at a frog-juice bar in Lima. “For anemia, bronchitis and also good for older persons.”

90 police in Peru sickened with food poisoning

BBC reports more than 90 police officers at a jungle base in Peru have been taken to hospital with food poisoning.

The officers developed fever, nausea and stomachaches after eating chicken soup at Mazuco police base in Tambopata province, officials say.

Police said they would investigate the suppliers of the meals.

The police officer said 150 police had been taken to the medical post on the base, but many had to be moved to hospitals because the base did not have enough medication.

One of the officers who fell ill told local media he and his colleagues had been "poisoned with bad food, dirty meat, and eggs and fish that were off."

The area has been the scene of violent clashes between the security forces and miners protesting against tougher penalties for illegal operations.


Look for listeria, it shows up; avocado from Peru recalled

 Fine Mexican Food Products, Inc. (FMP), located in the City of Ontario in California, is recalling 1,423 Cases of 12/2 lb. Frozen Avocado Pulp and 1,820 Cases IQF 8/3 lb. IQF Avocado Halves as distributed since June/2010 because of the possibility to be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes.

Frozen avocado pulp and IQF avocado halves were distributed to distributors in California since June 2010.

These 2 products are identified as FMP white label on the corrugated shipping carton and pack size is 2.2 lb. /bag 12 per shipping carton and Product code 00115 for Frozen Avocado Pulp.

Pack size is 3 lb. /bag 8 bags per shipping carton and Product Code 00131 for 3 lb. IQF Avocado Halves respectively with expiration dates of June/July/August 2012.

There have been no reports of illness related to the products.

Peru soccer team allegedly poisons foes

I used to work with a guy a long time ago who said, “when I retire, I’m going to take my guitar, a couple of amps, sit on my front porch, and do a lot of hallucinogens.”

He had a poster of Jimi Hendrix in his office.

The New York Daily News reports an unidentified staff member of the Peru soccer team, Sport Ancash, has been accused of giving players from opposing team, Hijos de Acosvinchos, drugged water after four of the players passed out in the final moments of their Peruvian second-division game.

Doctors at a nearby hospital found traces of benzodiazepine — a psychoactive drug with sedative properties — in the player’s bloodstream.

Using the Contador defense, Sport Ancash President Jose Mallaqui blamed the incident on poultry, adding

“I was able to find out that the players ate rotisserie chicken and had some energy drinks before the game, which ended up hurting them.”

Sport Ancash ended up losing the game, 3-0.

Fancy food in Peru – guinea pigs, or cuy

Chefs in the coastal Peruvian capital of Lima have turned guinea pig  — a staple protein of the Andes — into a gourmet dish.

The Associated Press reports that five years ago, chef Marilu Madueno added cuy, as guinea pigs are locally known, to the menu at La Huaca Pucllana, an exclusive Lima restaurant popular with tourists that overlooks a pre-Inca temple.

When she created the restaurant’s menu, Madueno correctly guessed that by chopping off the unsightly head and paws — cuy is traditionally served whole in the Andes – it would sell better.

Madueno, who estimates she sells about 30 a week at about $14 a plate, was quoted as saying, "We’re seeing cuy ordered more and more"

Guinea pig offered whole is the best option as the animal — slaughtered at about three months of age when the meat is still soft — has a bony carcass, which is offset by its thick and flavourful skin.

Adam Goldfarb, an issue specialist in the companion animals department of the Humane Society, said he was not aware of any federal laws prohibiting guinea pig consumption in the United States, but local legislation could vary.