‘Dirty, long, filthy fingernail’ found in pancake came from another diner, says UK restaurant

A “dirty, long, filthy fingernail” was almost swallowed by a disgusted diner at Watford Jimmy’s World Grill in a mouthful of made-to-order Indian pancake.

white_fingernailsAntoinette Miller, 42, from Cassiobury, was eating a specially prepared dosa pancake when she felt something crunch in her mouth.

The church volunteer was “disgusted and appalled” and left retching into her food at the table when she pulled out the offending fingernail.

Managers at Jimmy’s, in High Street, apologised for Ms Miller’s experience but said the nail had come from another guest helping herself to the buffet.

Ansh, manager at the Watford Jimmy’s, said the incident had been investigated and none of his staff were responsible.

He said the most likely explanation is that the nail came from another customer.

He said: “The lady was very upset, we did not give her the bill and explained to her what might have happened – that the nail came off another guest helping herself to the food.

“I would be outraged if it happened to me. We apologised, paid for the meal and invited her back for another meal.” 

Gratuitous food porn shot of the day: brekky in Brissy, buckwheat pancakes

No one seemed to care that N.Y. Times columnist and heath guru Jane Brody pooh-poohed evidence to not wash chickens, but several people wrote to say, what is that recipe for buckwheat pancakes? This is a modified version of a recipe in a book – those paper-based things that used to exist – by Jane Brody. The family likes it (that’s my Benjaminpancake.family.aug.13 Button-like mom, who seems to look younger as she gets older, along with 20-year-old daughter, Braunwynn, and the other usual suspects). 1 cup buttermilk (which is so bloody expensive in Australia I just add lime juice to lite milk) I egg 1 tbsp vanilla oil, if you want honey, if you want 2 cups buckwheat flour 1 tbsp baking powder 1 tsp baking soda dash of salt Garnish with fruit (they liked the mango) and maple syrup (from Canada, eh? Thanks mom).

Jack Nicholson, pancakes and kids

Sorenne and I make pancakes once or twice a week.

It’s a recipe I adopted from the N.Y .Times’ Jane Brody about 25 years ago, when I started making them for my eldest daughter, Madelynn.

1 cup buttermilk (but I just use milk with Tahitian limes because buttermilk is ridiculously expensive in Australia)

1 egg



baking powder

baking soda

buckwheat flour

lots of frozen berries

Canadian (eh) maple syrup.

And no licking of the batter; Australia has an egg problem.

At 75, Jack Nicholson mentioned pancakes as one of his life lessons.

“What I wish I knew at 18? Everything — from wishing I learned a foreign language to becoming a good chef. I was a short order cook for a while in New Jersey in between acting jobs. One day, a woman came in to ask for pancakes and my pancake came out about 3 inches thick. She said: ‘What the hell is this?’ I lost my temper, hit the pancake and said, ‘Make your own damn pancakes!’

“So you can add wishing I knew how to control my temper to that list.”

Nicholson also added, “I no longer have the energy to both work and fool around. So the last few movies I’ve done, I have hardly left the hotel at nights.”

18 sick with salmonella from sausage after pancake breakfast benefit in Maryland

The News-Post of Frederick, Maryland, reports that health types have concluded their investigation of Salmonella Infantis infections linked to food eaten at a March 5 benefit pancake breakfast at Trinity United Church of Christ in Thurmont.

Dr. Barbara Brookmyer, county health officer, said in an e-mail that 18 cases of infection were reported, nine confirmed by stool sample testing, and nine probable.

The infections were linked to sausage and meat pudding consumed at the benefit breakfast, Brookmyer said.

The meat products were originally from a Frederick County 4-H Camp and Activities Center butchering event held Jan. 27 at the Mount Pleasant Ruritan Club.

The camp center is a nonprofit not directly affiliated with the 4-H youth development group, 4-H Extension Educator Mike Kuster said.

Neil Gaffney, press officer with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, said its investigation is ongoing. The USDA investigation includes tracing the pork products’ origin.