Shiga-toxin E. coli at UK nursery sparks NHS probe

PA reveals a Perthshire school was involved in an E.coli scare last week.

NHS Tayside launched an investigation after a suspected case of the bacteria in a child at Errol Primary School’s nursery.

The nursery will undergo three days of deep cleaning as a “precautionary measure”.

Parents at the school were issued with letters from the health board with information on the infection.

The child was being tested for a non-O157 strain.

Speaking on Friday a spokesperson at NHS Tayside confirmed: “NHS Tayside’s health protection team is aware of and currently investigating a single suspected case of E. coli non O157 infection in a child who attends a nursery in Perthshire.

“As a precaution, a letter has been issued to parents of children at the nursery for information and reassurance.

“The risk to the wider public is very low.”

Surveys still suck: Observation is much more powerful, even in nurseries in Warsaw

I guess someone out there reads the stuff my lab produced over the past 25 years, besides my mother (we get cited in peer-reviewed papers somewhere, in ways I could never imagine, 1-3 times a day; and thanks Amy for keeping me updated).

The aim of this study was to assess the degree of conformity with food safety hygiene requirements in children’s nurseries in Warsaw over a period of 11 years and to predict the expected time to achieve full conformity. The survey was carried out in 55 nurseries using a specially designed check list containing questions regarded GMP/GHP and HACCP documentation and practice.

The results showed that the level of compliance with both GMP/GHP and HACCP standards was high in respect of documentation. However, it was much lower in the case of practice, especially HACCP. Although a constant increase in compliance with HACCP criteria was observed over the evaluated period, improvement was slow and inadequate. In 2017, compliance of HACCP practice reached only a 3.4 score. Based on food safety system improvements acquired so far, achievement of its full compliance with requirements was optimistically expected during 3 years.

Regular monitoring of compliance level and prediction of its conformity are of practical importance to improve food safety system management and to indicate the corrective actions which are necessary to eliminate the risk.

Analysis of food safety compliance in Warsaw nurseries

Food Control, Volume 96, February 2019, Pages 421-431,

JoannaTrafialek, Agnieszka Domańska, Wojciech Kolanowski

5 sick with E. coli O157, UK nursery closed

Two children from a Teesdale nursery have been taken to hospital after contracting E.coli. are currently investigating a total of four cases at Kirklands Day Nursery, in Barnard Castle, as two other children are being cared for at home.

A spokeswoman for Public Health England also confirmed a fifth child with recent symptoms is awaiting test results. The children fell ill at about the same time between April 25 and April 27.

The nursery, in Bede Road, has been closed while the organisation, along with Durham County Council, investigates the cause of the infection.

The spokeswoman said: “Experts from Public Health England and Durham County Council can confirm they are investigating four cases of E. coli O157 infection in children who attend Kirklands Day Nursery in Barnard Castle.

“Two of the affected children are currently in hospital and the other two are being looked after at home.

“There is also a fifth child with recent symptoms who is awaiting test results.”

Always the kids: UK nursery is told to clean up after dire food-hygiene rating

A nursery school for children aged between six weeks and five years old has been given a food-hygiene rating of one out of five.

Wolfson Nursery on Linton Road, North OxfordWolfson Nursery on Linton Road, North Oxford, was inspected by Oxford City Council’s environmental department last month.

It was informed that the low for food-hygiene rating meant that “major improvements” were necessary and unless these were completed, formal action would be taken.

The nursery was judged to have inadequate provision for washing utensils and equipment used for food, and was asked to install a double sink or preferably a dish washer.

UK nursery still closed after three youngsters suffer from E. coli O55

A children’s center involved in an E coli investigation remains closed with no date set for its reopening.

e.coli.O55Blandford Children’s Centre in Black Lane was closed after three children who had visited it suffered from a rare strain of E coli.

A spokesperson for Dorset County Council confirmed that it was still closed and they had no information on when it might reopen.

The E coli outbreak has affected 11 people who are either all resident in Dorset or had visited the area since July. Blandford Children’s Centre was closed for three days in October after a child who attended it was diagnosed with the 055 E coli strain.

No evidence of a direct link between the nursery and the cases has been found but Dorset County Council opted to close the center voluntarily while they waited for the results of tests on staff and children.

Lawyers said the 10 people who had been infected since July had a right to expect answers from Public Health England (PHE).

E. coli O55 cluster in UK; some cases link to childcare

Since the early 80’s E. coli O157:H7 had been public enemy number one in the pathogenic foodborne E. coli world. Sample and hold strategies that came out of the meat-related E. coli focus was based on O157.

Then came the other STECs.1380655137600

And Europe’s O104:H4 fenugreek sprout-linked outbreak.

There are lots of of E. colis to worry about.

According to Heart 102.3, a cluster of E. coli O55 has been identified Blanford UK.

Since July, ten people have been diagnosed with this infection which can cause bloody diarrhoea and seven of those affected have developed kidney problems – called haemolytic uraemic syndrome – a serious complication of an E. coli infection.  There have been no deaths.

As some cases have occurred in people associated with a children’s nursery, letters have been sent to parents whose children attend the nursery and staff, informing them about E. Coli O55 and the ongoing investigation. 

Noëleen McFarland, Consultant in Health Protection at PHE Wessex, said: “We are working closely with colleagues in the North Dorset Environmental Health Department to identify possible sources of infection. It is an infection that can be passed easily from person to person and young children are particularly easily affected.

“Any infection with E. coli can be very serious. We have interviewed all of those affected or their parents and their close contacts to look for possible causes in the days before they became ill.  This information is being used in the ongoing investigation into these cases.”

Reading about HUS in kids is like a gut punch.

Two children in hospital following an E. coli outbreak at UK nursery

Specialists from Public Health England and environmental health officers are investigating the cases of E. coli O157, which are linked to Little Brook Childrens Nursery, in Great Harwood.

nurseryTesting is being carried out on staff and children who may have come into contact with the bacteria, and children have been asked to remain at home until they have tested negative.

A spokeswoman for Public Health England said that although staff were at the nursery yesterday, it will effectively be closed to children until those given the all clear begin to return.

Nursery school students in Japan confirmed with E. coli O111

Four Okinawa nursery school students are confirmed to have contracted Enerohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O111.

nurseryThree of the children have diarrheal symptoms, but none have been hospitalized.  One student showing continued symptoms is moving toward recovery, says the Health and Longevity Division of Okinawa Prefecure.

18 sickened in 2012; E. coli O111 in a French nursery

(Thanks to my food safety friend Albert for sending this along.)

Three cases of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) occurred in 15 days and the cases were notified to the Institute for Public Health Surveillance (VS) November 5, 2012 suggesting clustered cases of infection with enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC).

nurseryAn exploratory investigation, a retrospective cohort of 89/94 children (95%) and 28/36 (78%) and personal prospective surveillance was carried out at a common exposure and to determine the extent of the epidemic . Screening in the family circle of confirmed cases and among children and staff was conducted. EHEC was detected by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) in feces, and positive samples were cultured for strain characterization.

A confirmed case was a child or crèche staff who submitted between 10 October 2012 and 17 January 2013, signs of gastroenteritis and/or HUS EHEC O111 isolation; probable case presented bloody and/or stool HUS and a positive PCR; a possible case had presented with diarrhea at least 3 loose stools in 24 hours and consulted a doctor.

Eighteen cases (6 confirmed, 1 probable and 11 possible) were identified among children. The epidemic curve evoked human transmission. The attack rate was 20.2%, 6.7% considering only confirmed cases. Attendance of group A was significantly associated with the disease (RR = 3.1 95% CI [1.3 to 7.1]). Household contacts of confirmed cases, 17% (3/18) were asymptomatic. Screening identified 4% (3/80) of asymptomatic children. 

3-year-old blinded in Scotland after E. coli outbreak at nursery; mother calls for more awareness

The mother of a three-year-old boy who was left severely disabled after contracting E. coli bacteria has called for nurseries to be made more aware of the dangers.

Bo Cox was infected by the bug at Rose Lodge Nursery in Aboyne during an outbreak in May last year.

An investigation found that it had probably been brought in by a youngster who came into bo.cox.e.colicontact with animal waste and contaminated water at home.

But the infection spread among the children because of poor hand hygiene in the nursery. Three other infants, including Bo, and two staff fell ill as a result.

Bo, who was a healthy and happy baby before the infection, now spends most of his time in hospital in Glasgow. He has to be fed through a tube and his diet is restricted because he cannot get rid of many fluids.

His mother Lucy told STV News: “He has only a quarter of his bowel remaining, he has permanent kidney failure, he is totally blind, he has no vision at all. He has detached retinas in both eyes – cortical blindness.”

“The future is really uncertain for Bo,” she said. “Giving Bo a happy life while I can, that’s the main aim.”