Surprised he didn’t fake illness: Germany coach Joachim Loew picks nose before shaking hands with Cristiano Ronaldo

The most exciting thing to come out of the World Cup: Germany coach Joachim Loew has added insult to injury after his side trounced Portugal, picking his nose before shaking the hand of beaten superstar Cristiano Ronaldo.

880793-54755328-f5a3-11e3-9eee-86d74a63fbdcHaving cut a frustrated figure during a terrible 4-0 loss against the Germans, Ronaldo trudged off the pitch towards Loew, who was revelling in his team’s continuation of its bogey team status against the Portuguese.

The coach, who has form in this area, was caught fiddling away inside his nostril as Ron approached and he didn’t even bother to wipe his hand before shaking.

The incident sent social media into a frenzy.