Hand hygiene in Nepal

Background: Hand hygiene is one of the most effective preventive measures in the transmission of infection. Proper hand hygiene strategies in health care facilities can reduce nosocomial infections and antimicrobial resistance.

Objectives: This study aims to assess the baseline hand hygiene skills among health care workers and the impact of education and training on it. Design: Interventional cross-sectional single center study.

Method: It was conducted among 181 health care workers of Alka Hospital Pvt. Ltd. During both pre and post-test, participants were asked to perform hand hygiene with soap and water as per WHO guidelines. Pretest was conducted to assess baseline skills of health care workers regarding hand hygiene. An observer would score whether each of the steps were performed correctly, using a checklist. It was followed by intervention in the form of training, education and demonstration of hand hygiene. Post-test was conducted to assess the changes in skills after intervention. Results: There was an overall improvement in the hand washing skills post intervention indicated by an increase in median score, which was 8 for pre-intervention and 9 for post-intervention.

Doctors and nurses had better practice regarding hand hygiene in comparison to other participants. Those participants who had prior training on infection prevention and control, were found to have better hand hygiene skills post-intervention.

Conclusion: Training and educational interventions are the effective tools to improve hand hygiene skills of the health care workers. Performing such interventions at regular intervals can be helpful. Keywords: hand hygiene, health care workers, training and education.

Hand hygiene skills of the health care workers and the effect of training and educational intervention: A single center cross-sectional study

Bangladesh Critical Care Journal

Gentle Sunder Shrestha*1 , Manjit Shrestha2 , Roshan Sharma2 , Ramchandra KC3 , Bibeka Shrestha4 , Rojika Pradhan5 , Pankaj Joshi

DOI: https://doi.org/10.3329/bccj.v9i1.53050


Better zoonoses surveillance needed in Nepal

A team of scientists from Belgium, Nepal, New Zealand, Switzerland and the Netherlands report in a study titled ‘The Burden of Parasitic Zoonoses in Nepal: A Systematic Review’ that the country needs a better surveillance system to accurately estimate animal-borne parasitic disease or ‘parasitic zoonoses (PZs)’.

The recent study estimates the public health burden of PZs in Nepal at 24,000 healthy pork tapewormsyears lost annually.

Neurocysticercosis caused by pork tapeworms affect the nervous system, cystic echinococcosis traced through dog tapeworms and congenital toxoplasmosis in which mothers infected with the toxoplasma parasite give birth to infected children, are the three top PZs in Nepal, according to the study.

The study estimates that Nepal loses 14,268 healthy years annually due to neurocysticercosis, 9,255 years due to congenital toxoplasmosis, and 251 due to cystic echinococcosis. Numerous data sources were analysed in the study to examine the relevance and importance of such infections.

“Nepal is considered endemic for at least 10 PZs, and might be endemic for seven others. Most of these diseases probably only have a small public health impact. However, neurocysticercosis and congenital toxoplasmosis are likely to impose an important burden to public health,” said the report.