Miami restaurant serves up (Salmonella) sushi, sashimi on naked models

Fresh off a Salmonella outbreak that sickened at least 425, Kung Fu Kitchen & Sushi figured they’d dip into the lucrative food porn pool and start offering sushi served on naked men and women to the tune of $500 per “human platter” last month.

They discovered that if you put wasabi on your nipples, they’ll burn for a week.

“There’s a lot of things you don’t think about when it comes to naked sushi,” restaurant owner Nathan Lieberman told “Now, we put plastic over the nipples, like Saran, and then we cover the nipples in wasabi.”

Lieberman said naked sushi was the brainchild of Chef Glenn Lopez, who works in the kitchen. Lieberman figured the Japanese have been dining off naked bodies for “thousands of years” and wanted to give his patrons “the royal treatment” for Miami Spice, the city’s restaurant month, he said.

Initially, Lieberman said he was going to hire models from a modeling agency, but his servers begged him for the job.

Kung Fu’s most recent restaurant inspection occurred in May and included seven critical violations – one of them being a lack of soap for handwashing.

Is that the entr??e or are you just happy to see me? Nude barbecue in Oregon

Sub Rosa describes itself as a virtual restaurant & secret bar located in Dundee, Oregon. By day, it’s a lunch room for the distillery office and stealth drop in bistro with thundering tunes, WiFi Internet connections and a limited lunch menu. By night, when we are open, it’s an underground fine dining restaurant and spirits bar.

Today, Sub Rosa posted on its web site that,

It will come to no surprise to many that Sub Rosa has a clothing optional policy.

This ‘tradition’ started with our wait staff. It was late July – the week of the annual International Pinot Noir Celebration and it was quite hot outside. We had to chill our Pinot Noir before serving because of the heat.

One wardrobe malfunction led to another that evening and soon the entire wait staff was topless. Being a huge wine tasting weekend, Sub Rosa was filled out-of-towners including some French guests. There is something about being on vacation that releases the inhibitions. It wasn’t long until half the female guests had doffed their tops as well. You would have thought you were at some French Rivera private party, but no – just another magical weekend night at Sub Rosa in Dundee.

We’ve been known to cook topless with only the benefit of a kitchen apron separating us from the raw flame. Nude barbecue, while not the rule can happen on hot summer evening at Sub Rosa.

Sub Rosa’s feeling is that both men and women deserve to go topless. Get over it already. You’re starting to accept screw caps as alternatives to cork in wine bottles. You might as well get used to both sexes running around topless.

Nothing says classy like, Show me your hooters – with a $100 bottle of wine rather than Miller LIte.

No more naked dining

What with baby Sorenne, and the breastfeeding, and my general attitude, there’s been a lot of nakedness around the house lately.

However, with student Katie arriving tomorrow from Canada to take up residence in the basement, time to be more discreet.

Unlike the dude in Australia’s Northern Territory who was served hot chips (right, exactly as shown) at a Territory eatery wearing … nothing.

The late night reveller stripped bare before putting in his order at the Darwin City 24-Hour Eatery on Smith St early on Monday.

A witness said the naked man walked into the shop to order two buckets of chips with gravy.

And the female attendant was reportedly only too happy to serve the nude customer.