Murder Burger’s staff wear Meat is Murder T-shirts – and only serve meat

Murder Burger, a New Zealand gourmet burger store that opened in the swish Auckland suburb of Ponsonby last year, used the following for an on-line Help wanted ad:

"We need a bunch of people to hang out with, make burgers and talk shit.”

The ad specifically requested student nurses and teachers to apply, explaining, "I’ve gone out with two nurses and two teachers and they were all awesome."

Not wanted were politics students ("Nothing personal, we just don’t understand you") or methamphetamine addicts.

"Again nothing personal. It’s just that the benefit of you being able to work seven shifts in a row is pretty much outweighed by the probability that you will one day flip, grab a knife and become Mr Stabby."

I’m all for it, as long as the burgers are verified 160F with a tip-sensitive thermometer.