67 sick with Salmonella from Kaliningrad kebabs

The Moscow Times reports that 67 people are suffering from suspected Salmonella poisoning after purchasing questionable kebabs from a food vendor in Kaliningrad, Russia’s consumer rights watchdog has said.

Of this number, 64 people are in moderately severe condition, while three people have been placed in intensive care, watchdog salm.kebab.moscow.mar.14Rospotrebnadzor said in a statement, Itar-Tass reported Tuesday.

The mass poisoning can traced back to the same point of sale in Kaliningrad, where examinations of the outlet have revealed sanitary violations, high microbial contamination and the presence of E-coli in its food products.

A laboratory study has confirmed the presence of Salmonella in 36 of the known cases, which were first reported March 22.