Japan’s poop museum — online

A museum dedicated to poop first opened in Odaiba, Japan in 2019, and quickly became one of the most Instagrammable spots for Hongkongers to visit. And now, the museum is taking things online.

Browse through the museum’s collection of poop art and drawings, try your hand at an interactive game involving flying neon turds, and you can even download a few poopy wallpapers to use during your video chat sessions.

Separation of church and state: monkey meat needs permit

A federal judge in Brooklyn has rejected a Liberian woman’s religious reasons for smuggling endangered monkey meat into the U.S. and ruled Wednesday that Mamie Manneh’s faith didn’t preclude her from applying for permits to import exotic food or explain why she misled officials.

Manneh was charged with smuggling the meat three years ago after customs agents seized a shipment of primate parts as it passed through Kennedy Airport on the way to her home in Staten Island.

Manneh’s lawyers claimed a First Amendment right, arguing that some Liberian Christians eat monkey meat for spiritual reasons.