Barcelona cops arrest 18 beach vendors for selling filthy E. coli riddled mojitos made from ingredients stored in bins and down drains

According to Harvey Solomon-Brady of The Sun, police in Spain have arrested 18 people for selling filthy mojitos riddled with E.coli bacteria to unsuspecting tourists on the beaches.

The cocktails contained “green powders of an unknown composition which were thrown into the drink” and other ingredients which were stored in sewers or rubbish bins.

Public health officials say the mojitos were totally unsuitable for public consumption and could have caused diarrhea, gastroenteritis and other digestive disorders.

Raids were carried out on the beaches along the popular Barcelona coast that were packed with holidaymakers of all nationalities, including Brits.

The green dust is currently being examined in labs but police say everyone who drunk one of these mojitos was put at serious risk.

The 18 people arrested are suspected of making the cocktails and then selling them, usually for between five and ten euros.

The mojitos were made with suspicious ingredients hidden in bins including a mysterious green power

The drinks are sold to unsuspecting tourists on Spanish beaches who think they have come from local bars

Almost all the drains on one particular street were filled with supplies

Spain’s police officers are now cracking down on the illegal trade which can leave holidaymakers very sick

Dried mint recalled in Australia for Salmonella

Mint was becoming my new favorite herb. Got a plant growing out back and, even though bartenders complain, I’ve been making the occasional mojito.

But birds, animals and skinks all have to crap somewhere – and herbs are quite vulnerable to microbial contamination.

Grand Foods has recalled Mint Tr Kuru Nane (Tr) – dried mint from Grand Foods retail outlet in Campbellfield, Victoria due to Salmonella contamination. Food products contaminated with Salmonella may cause illness if consumed.

Yes, Amy’s drinking some rum drink out of a coconut, with mint. Sorenne is drinking juice.