Smells like teen spirit: Chipotle whoring itself with freebies

Rise of the marketers.

family.guy.diarrheaIn 1990, I was working as a journalist – today it would be a content
providerer – at a computer magazine.

I had my genetics degree, I’d built some journalism skills, I got to write about the science behind the sales.

It was a good fit for a youngster trying to find his way in the world with a wife, kid and another on the way.

About six months in, I realized I was a widget – all the money was in sales, gladhanding and BS (change the abbreviation appropriately).

I moved on.

Twenty-five years later I took a gig and tried to use evidence to convince Chobani how best to rejuvenate their market after numerous recalls.

Silly, naïve me.

Chipotle is going down the same path.

While the PR-thingies are congratulating themselves that most media coverage emphasizes the co-CEOs took a $13 million pay cut, they still took home $13 million to flog some cultural appropriation of Mexican food. And sicken about 600 people.

Here’s the latest from a contributor.


Market microbial food safety instead. The only barfing the kids should be doing at prom is from too much booze, not diarrhea burritos.
