E. coli veggie burger and chips put Welsh mum in a coma

A young mum has revealed how a veggie burger and portion of chips consumed in Aug. 2009 and contaminated with E. coli O157 almost killed her.

Abby Alford of Wales on Sunday writes that days after enjoying the chip shop takeaway, desperately ill Karen Morrisroe (right, exactly as shown) had a seizure that temporarily stopped her heart.

Doctors warned her husband she had a less than 10% chance of survival as she slipped into a coma that was to last for five weeks.

The recovering 32-year-old has now revealed to Wales on Sunday that she is unable to sue the chip shop that almost claimed her life because the owner was not insured.

The librarian, who lives with her husband Paul Clutton and baby son Oliver, almost one, in Rhosnesni, Wrexham, said,

“There’s nothing I can do. He did not have professional liability insurance, but I’ve been told he wasn’t required to have it anyway. Environmental health are looking into legal proceedings, but we don’t know if they can do anything.”

Karen said her brush with death has had such a deep psychological effect on her that she compulsively checks restaurants’ food hygiene ratings on the Internet before eating out.

Karen and Paul are also fighting to raise awareness of how dirty premises like the Llay Fish Bar, which was identified as the likely source of the potentially deadly bug, can cost lives.

“The mind boggles as to how many establishments have zero star ratings but are still allowed to operate,” said Paul.

Star ratings from zero, the lowest, to five are a hygiene score awarded by environmental health inspectors. The Llay Fish Bar had been awarded zero stars in August 2008 and was due for another inspection when Karen and other customers, including toddler Abigail Hennessey, fell ill.

Premises given zero stars are generally allowed to remain open while they take steps to improve cleanliness.

Fat Duck spared, chippy owner charged by local council after E. coli O157 illnesses

The Fat Duck sickened 529 customers with norovirus, adopted a ridiculous PR strategy, and continues to blame others even though employees were working sick. The local council decided not to prosecute.

The Llay Fish Bar, thought to be the source of an E. coli O157 outbreak that sickened four including a new mother left in a coma, will be prosecuted by the Wrexham Council.

It’s like television sports presenter and Fat Duck norovirus victim Jim Rosenthal said a couple of days ago:

“If it was a café at a lay-by doing what he did they would have been taken to court long ago.”

Boxing promoter Frank Warren, who is also still awaiting compensation, said,

"The whole way they have handled this has been a disaster from start to finish. To hear that the council isn’t going to take him on doesn’t surprise me – it’s just because of who he is rather than what he’s done or not done.”

UK: Llay Fish Bar owner says restaurant is not E.coli source

In a move unlikely to better Llay Fish Bar’s reputation, owner Ramazan Aslan insisted his restaurant was not the source of the Wrexham E.coli outbreak which has sickened four, including a three-year old girl, reports Wales Online.

Ramazan Aslan insisted his takeaway is “clean” and council inspectors have not proven it was the cause of the outbreak.

Mr. Aslan stated,

“Nobody knows where it came from. They can’t say, ‘I got E.coli from the Llay Fish Bar’. The council took samples and didn’t find anything from the shop. We are clean. I don’t know why they just blame the Llay Fish Bar.”

Karen Morrisroe-Clutton (pictured right) and four-year- old Abigail Hennessey, both from Wrexham, were left seriously ill after eating at the takeaway in August. Abigail recovered several weeks ago, while Mrs Morrisroe-Clutton, 32, remains in intensive care at Wrexham Maelor Hospital. Two other people also fell ill, but did not require hospital treatment.

The four people who became ill after dining at Llay Fish Bar likely don’t care whether the restaurant owner thinks he made them sick. And it’s unlikely the restaurant was selected at random as a potential source of the outbreak –which Mr. Aslan alludes to.

Three-year-old recovering from E coli but woman still in coma

A three-year-old girl who needed dialysis after being caught up in an E coli outbreak is beginning to recover in hospital, her parents said today.

Abigail Hussey suffered kidney failure after eating from a takeaway in Wrexham, north Wales, and is one of two people undergoing hospital treatment after the outbreak last month. Karen Morrisroe-Clutton, a new mother who also had kidney failure, remains in a medically induced coma at Wrexham Maelor hospital. The North East Wales NHS trust said she was in a serious but stable condtion.

She is in Alder Hey Children’s hospital in Liverpool, which today released a statement from her mother, Sarah, who also fell ill, and her father, Jeff.

"Abigail’s condition deteriorated and she was eventually referred to Wrexham hospital, who transferred her immediately to Alder Hey on Monday 27 July. She tested positive for E coli and was placed on dialysis. We are very relieved that Abigail is beginning to recover, is off dialysis and is eating and drinking quite well."

Sharon Mills, the mother of E. coli victim Mason Jones (left) said the latest Wales outbreak has brought horrific memories flooding back.

“It’s terrible that more people are having to go through this. Mason fought for two weeks until he couldn’t fight any more and ever since I have fought on for him as I don’t want his death to be in vain.”

While the cause of the North Wales outbreak remains under investigation, Mills said she believes both the authorities and the public still fail to fully appreciate the terrible consequences of E.coli infection.

The Llay Fish Bar was allowed to continue business even though environmental health inspectors found poor hygiene conditions and was awarded the lowest rating of no stars during the August 2008 inspection.

Mills said:

“The threat of E.coli is not being taken on board. People really need to start listening and they need to start listening now. The message needs to be drummed home that E.coli is serious and can affect anyone, not just those with underlying health problems. it’s such a powerful bacteria.”


UK E. coli fish bar scored zero for hygiene

The BBC reports that Llay Fish Bar in Wrexham, suspected as the source of an E. coli O157 outbreak that has left a new mother on life-support and a 3-year-old with renal failure, received zero out of five in a 2008 hygiene inspection.

The Llay Fish Bar has been closed by local council — but only since the severe illnesses emerged.