Blue Bell ice cream licker goes to jail

In August, 2019, D’Adrien L’Quinn Anderson filmed himself licking a tub of Blue Bell ice cream before returning it to the store shelf.

He was sentenced to 30 days in jail for the stunt, which he filmed and put on social media, according to The Daily Mail. He was also given 180 days probation over two years as well as a $1,000 fine and $1,565 in restitution to Blue Bell Creameries.

Anderson was facing a maximum of one year in jail and up to $4,000 in fines. He began his term behind bars immediately after his sentencing.

Back in, Anderson posted a 20-second clip to social media, which showed him cracking open a new tub of ice cream inside a Texas Walmart, licking it, sticking his fingers in it, then returning it to the shelf. According to the store’s surveillance footage, he proceeded to buy the ice cream.

The Jefferson County District Attorney’s office released a statement on their sentencing to KFDM, and said they “appropriately treated this incident as much more than a stunt.”