Bonnie Hunt knows cross-contamination

Ever since reading this infosheet on a study of the bacteria and viruses found on lemon wedges, I’ve ordered my waters without them. I learned today that Bonnie Hunt is also one whose knowledge of microbiology has heightened her awareness of cross-contamination.

An encore presentation of the Bonnie Hunt Show today included a bit about Bonnie’s background with microbiology and how it affects her experiences at restaurants today.

Before her acting career took off, Bonnie worked for several years as a nurse. While training for that, she had to "look through microscopes" and "learn about handwashing"–particularly that friction is more effective than soap at removing bacteria and viruses.

When dining out, Bonnie said she notices when servers touch a refill pitcher to the rim of her glass… and then do the same with other glasses throughout the restaurant. She joked that it’s like making out with everyone there. 

She also related a story about a family eating near her at a local restaurant. The table the family was seated at had two ketchup bottles. A child picked up the first bottle, drank from it, and then set it back down on the table. Another child picked up the second bottle, tried unsuccessfully to pour ketchup out of it, and so used the straw from their drinking glass to get it flowing.

Knowledge is such a powerful thing.

Man dialed 911 when lemonade ran out

Have Americans become so self-absorbed they have to call 911 when food is not to their liking?

First it was a dude in Jacksonville, FL, who called 911 because he didn’t like the way his Subway sandwich was prepared. He could have just called Jared.

Last year, someone called 911 because she couldn’t get a cheeseburger.

On Friday, a man in Boynton Beach, FL, was arrested and charged with abuse of 911 communication after calling to complain that a local Burger King in did not have any lemonade.

If I was going to call 911 on Burger King it’d be related to that mascot that looks like a creepy Thunderbirds-clone