Do as I say, not as I do: West Virginia won’t penalize lawmaker who gave out raw milk

West Virginia health officials won’t penalize a state lawmaker who illegally handed out raw milk at the Capitol.

colbert.raw.milkA letter from the Bureau for Public Health last week says Del. Scott Cadle clearly violated state law by offering raw milk to the public on March 3. The letter to Cadle stated that he wouldn’t be fined because it was a first offense, but asked him not to sell or distribute raw milk again.

According to the letter, Cadle offered raw milk to anyone who wished to try it at the end of a March 3 floor session.

The letter says one other House delegate and several others became sick around the time they drank the raw milk. There also had been a stomach illness circulating at the Capitol. An investigation into whether people got sick because of raw milk continues.

A bill allowing for herd sharing agreements and the consumption of raw milk was passed during the session, and signed into law by Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin.

Irony can be ironic: State lawmakers suffer stomach illness after drinking raw milk to celebrate legalizing raw milk, coincidence or causation?

In the weeks after passing a bill, allowing West Virginians to drink raw milk, one delegate brought the drink in to celebrate and, eventually, several lawmakers have gotten sick.

wv_copySome lawmakers say it’s just a coincidence and a stomach bug is going around.

Coincidence they all drank the raw milk?

The Charleston Gazette-Mail reports that during announcements in the House chamber Thursday, Delegate Scott Cadle, R-Mason, invited lawmakers — and anyone else who wanted to “live dangerously” — to sample raw milk that he had brought from a Mason County dairy. A handful of lawmakers who drank the raw milk later got sick, though there’s been no evidence that Cadle’s milk was the cause.

“There’s nobody up there that got sick off that milk,” said Cadle, who was home sick with a stomach bug Monday but returned to work at the state Capitol on Tuesday. “It’s just bad timing, I guess.”

The state Bureau of Public Health started an investigation Tuesday after receiving a complaint that the raw milk might have caused a disease outbreak.

Discussions of the raw milk, and ailing legislators and staff, dominated Capitol hallways this week.

After Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin signed the raw milk bill into law last week, Cadle walked up and down the Capitol’s East Wing, which houses delegates’ offices, offering up milk samples to anyone wanting a taste. Some people took just a sip, while others drank a glassful.

colbert.raw_.milk_“It ain’t because of the raw milk,” Cadle said. “With that many people around and that close quarters and in that air and environment, I just call it a big germ. All that Capitol is is a big germ.”

Officials with the Bureau for Public Health and Kanawha-Charleston Health Department said Tuesday they hadn’t received any recent reports about illnesses caused by raw milk.

Several legislators who’ve been sick with stomach viruses did not sample the raw milk.

The raw milk bill doesn’t legalize the sale of raw milk. Instead, the legislation allows “herd-sharing” agreements, where people buy a share in a cow or other milk-producing animal and use that animal’s raw milk. Anyone who enters such an agreement must sign a statement acknowledging the risks of raw milk, specifically that it may contain bacteria like Listeria, salmonella and E. coli.

State law and DHHR rules forbid the sale or distribution of raw milk.

“Offering or selling raw milk to the public is prohibited,” according to the rules. Violators face a $50 to $500 fine, but DHHR officials said they were unaware of the law ever being enforced.

“I might have been breaking the law,” Cadle said. “Hell, I don’t know. I gave it away.”

Cadle, who is running for Mason County Commission instead of re-election to the House, would not say where he got the raw milk — only that it came from a neighbor’s dairy.

“I got a place to get it, and I’m not going to tell where I got it,” Cadle said. “It was free.”