4 sick: Salmonella outbreak at local kindergarten in Latvia

The Baltic Times reports the Sigulda Regional Council turned to the State Police (VP) about the infection of four kindergarten children with salmonella, Sindija Brikmane, deputy head of the Public Relations Department of Sigulda Municipality, informed LETA.

Investigating the causes of the disease, the Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CDPC) has received information from a laboratory that four children from local kindergartens in Sigulda Region have been diagnosed with the salmonella bacterium.

The municipality has previously announced that if the responsible authorities confirm that the caterer is guilty of causing the disease, the municipality will immediately terminate the contract with SIA Baltic Restaurants Latvia.

The Sigulda Regional Council promises to continue to monitor the inspection services and inform the public and the parents of the children about the current situation and the results of the bacterial samples taken.

Latvia’s hospital-themed restaurant

Amy and I just got back from another prenatal visit with the doc. She says everything is great, and we’ve checked out the facilities at the local hospital – doc says upon admittance, make sure to ask for one of the rooms with the hot tub.

The dining facilities aren’t quite so elaborate, although you can order from a menu and have it delivered within 30 minutes. And while I’m still hot on the idea of a Safe Food Café for dining and research, I won’t be pushing for a hospital-themed restaurant anytime soon. But that is exactly what opened in Riga, Latvia, where guests can dine on consulting beds, while being waited upon by nurses.