You can’t have three breasts at KFC – it’s two breasts and a leg … or else

A KFC manager hurled cooking oil, gravy and a metal chip drainer at a customer who complained after a server insisted he could only have two breasts and a leg in his meal, screaming,

"You’ll get what you’re given” and calling the customer a "motherf***er."

The Mirror reports that stunned families watched on in disbelief.

Police were called and both men were arrested at the restaurant and given £80 fixed penalty fines.

The customer said,

"That was the most expensive fast food meal I ever had. I got a battering from the Colonel. I just can’t believe how rude the KFC staff were. The manager was swearing at me and insulting my mum. When I swore back it became a free for all. I was no angel in all this and responded when sworn at. But I’m now pursuing KFC for compensation for my ruined clothing."

The 26-year-old manager has been suspended while KFC bosses carry out an investigation into the incident at Ealing, West London.

Roll over Colonel Sanders

Kentucky State Rep. Charles Siler is sponsoring legislation to make KFC’s ”finger lickin’ good” chicken Kentucky’s official picnic food.

Siler said the fried chicken, first served by Colonel Harland Sanders in 1940, deserves the title because of the worldwide attention and economic benefit it has brought to the state.

Bruce Friedrich, vice president at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, responded,

"If the state legislature moves forward with this one, then they should change Kentucky’s state bird from the cardinal to the debeaked, crippled, scalded, diseased, dead chicken."

Two years ago, PETA launched an initiative to have a bust of the bespectacled Colonel Sanders removed from the Kentucky Capitol. Sanders, with his white goatee and black string tie, became recognizable worldwide by marketing his fried chicken.