Metal man taken down by bad oyster

Metal Underground – it’s my favorite source for news of all things Metal — reports Metallica frontman James Hetfield was recently taken to hospital after suffering from a stomach bug.

"James here, alive, at about 80% but getting better. I want to say sorry for missing the second Stockholm gig on Sunday due to illness. The cause/diagnosis at the hospital was narrowed down to either a 24 hr virus or a bad oyster…yes, hate to admit, an oyster could have taken me down.

"I acknowledge and apologize for any inconvenience this has caused fans who had travelled near and far for the show. I had done everything possible to make it, and was at the point of falling if I stood up. On a lighter note since my illness, the support band ‘Swedish Oyster Cult’ will be thrown off the tour. More Cowbell?…More barf bagz!!”

Poop in the field

Monterey County, California’s, Agricultural Field Toilet Inspection Program requires clean toilets, hand-washing stations and drinking water for Monterey County’s workers, enforcing long-standing state laws with new resolve.

The increased inspections are meant to encourage good hygiene among workers and to prevent crops from being contaminated.

Lourdes Bosquez, Salinas office supervisor of Consumer Health Protection Services, said,

"We used to do this in the ’80s and ’90s. Now, with the E. coli outbreaks, we thought it was important that we brought the program back."

Farmers will need Health Department permits for their field toilets by Jan. 1.

Our video for Poop in the Field is available at