Dirty dining, Vegas-style

Thanks to a barfblog.com reader who submitted this news clip from Las Vegas KTNV

Island Style BBQ on Durango near Flamingo has a sign hanging on their wall with an A rating by the Southern Nevada Health District, but before they had the allstar grade, they earned an F.

They received 49 demerits when the health district came in, shutting them down. The inspection report noted no soap or paper towels near the sinks, shellfish stored unmarked in a plastic bag and dried-up, crusted food debris caking the slicer.

The report also noted a major cockroach infestation. Inspectors say they moved a box and cockroaches went in all directions.

A word that kept popping up in the report was dirty. There were dirty cloths on cutting boards, floors and walls were dirty and all food equipment was dirty. Utensils, food containers, pans and racks were all noted as dirty.

The restaurant had been reinspected and reopened after that negative report. Contact 13 went to the restaurant looking for some answers. They weren’t open during normal business hours.

An employee unlocked the door and told us the owner wasn’t there either. Contact 13 tried giving her a call. She didn’t answer and didn’t accept voicemails. The owner says as of the end of the month, the open sign will remain off as Island Style BBQ is closing its doors, for good.

This isn’t the first time Island BBQ has been shutdown by the health district. They’ve been closed twice before for too many demerits, once last year and once in 2008. Both times they were reinspected and received an A grade.