My worlds have come together: The Click Trap: Internet porn addiction and the on-line community

I can’t speak for Chapman or Casey, but for me, my professional career has reached a new plateau, a zenith. research on blogs and new media has been cited in a Masters thesis from London’s  Royal College of Art entitled: The Click Trap: Internet porn addiction and the on-line community.

Online resources, such as blogs and sites such as Twitter and Facebook, have been shown to be useful research assets in several academic works. That’s us, Douglas A. Powell, Casey J. Jacob and Benjamin J. Chapman, ‘Using Blogs And New Media In Academic Practice: Potential Roles In Research, Teaching, Learning, And Extension’, Innov High Educ, 37 (2011), 271-282,

The author also searched, so Amy was sure it was for the quote, about how the adult porn industry is more safety conscious than the food industry. food porn.

But no, just boring academic stuff.

My parents are proud.