New International Food Safety Network Infosheet — Brazillian soccer club hit with hepatitis A

Capitalizing on the massive popularity of soccer, we decided to throw together an infosheet on the reported hepatitis A illnesses linked to a Brazilian club team.  As Doug posted last night, health authorities are linking the outbreak to shared water bottles (they must have been contaminated with some nasty poop).

You can download the infosheet here.

Brazilian soccer team Internacional hit with hepatitis A outbreak

Associated Press is reporting that a hepatitis A outbreak hit the Brazilian soccer team Internacional, sidelining five players who are now banned from any contact with teammates.

The team said the liver disease probably spread from player to player in the locker room, most likely through shared water bottles.

Except hepatitis A is not spread by saliva; it’s spread by poop. So there was either poop on the water bottles — possibly from someone’s hand — or poop in the water.

Or the water bottle theory is wrong.

Internacional is a former club world champion.