Infosheets can impact food safety training

Do you like pictures of celebrities vomiting, people picking their noses, kids on the toilet, poop, puke, barf, vomit, diarrhea and the squirts? We do, and, we’ve found that many food handlers do as well.

Through iFSN‘s infosheets, we try to put a compelling spin on food safety information, attempting to draw in even the laziest, creepiest and stonedest of food handlers. That’s why we use skulls sometimes.

The infosheets are received by 300 direct e-mail subscribers, over 7,000 FSnet subscribers, and are distributed by many public health inspectors and environmental health officers during inspections and food handler courses (if you want to subscribe to receive infosheets directly, e-mail

Each sheet contains information about a recent outbreak coupled with recommendations on how a food handler or operator can avoid the same problems in their business. Some of the largest food service, retail and food processors in the world use our infosheets on a weekly basis and the feedback we’ve received has been awesome. One company said they changed their food safety training to all-infosheets, and they knew it was working when they overheard employees talking about the stories during lunch breaks. That contributes to a culture of safe food.

Still, we need your help to keep going. Each week the guts of the infosheets are generated by fabulous undergraduate and graduate students who pull news and find great stories, search out gross (and sometimes disturbing) pictures, and help create the framework for the sheets.

And as one of our biggest fans, an environmental health officer, wrote in response to this infosheet:

“Now that’s some funny stuff! Those folks at iFSN have a great sense of humor. This is obviously no dry and boring government info.”

If our funding goes away, we’ll be forced to start making cheaper infosheets that contain dry and boring government info. Please help us avoid that; there’s already too many bureaucrats in the world. Send money.