Brisbane-area vehicles covered in human poop

Clare Armstrong of The Courier Mail reports that two vehicles ended up covered in human waste after a truck carrying 27 tonnes of sewage was forced to brake suddenly to avoid a collision at Toowoomba.

poop-spill-brisbaneIt is understood the truck transporting the sewage lost its load when the driver braked suddenly to avoid crashing into a car outside The Big Orange fruit barn on Crowley Vale Road on Wednesday just after 8am.

The Arkwood Organic Recycling (is there any other kind of recycling shit other than organic?) truck trailer had a tarpaulin-like cover over the top but the force of the braking action caused it to rip apart and the waste spilt out.

Shocked locals took to social media to express their disgust at the scene as the truck, car and surrounding area were covered in human waste.

oddball-kellys-heros“Where’s the gag reflex,” posted one person.

“You can still get through it,” advised another person online.

Arkwood Organic Recycling Owner and Operations Manager Brendon Clarke told local media the load was secured but the abrupt stop caused the trailer’s cover on the truck to tear.

Humans as source of Campylobacter in Scotland’s seals

In one of the first studies to establish the land-to-sea transmission of a human pathogen, scientists have detected high levels of a human bacterial strain in gray seals. The study also suggests these bacteria may make some seals sick.

sealTerrestrial pathogens have made their way into marine waters before. Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite found in cat feces, for example, can infect sea otters when kitty litter gets washed out to sea. Few studies have found a similar route of transmission for human diseases to marine animals, however. Now, by employing genome sequencing and statistical models used to track the source of pathogens, researchers have found the strongest evidence to date that bacteria detected in a population of gray seals originated from a human source.

In the new study, a team led by Johanna Baily, a veterinary pathologist with the Moredun Research Institute in Penicuik, U.K., set out to collect baseline health data on gray seals breeding on Scotland’s Isle of May—an uninhabited island and nature reserve that sits just 8 kilometers off the mainland. During the fall of 2011, the team collected microbiological samples from nearly 100 live and 50 dead seal pups on the island. The researchers screened the samples for several pathogens including Campylobacter—a bacterium commonly found in wildlife and domestic livestock that triggers foodborne illness in humans.

Campylobacter was detected in nearly 50% of the seals tested. Dead seals harboring Campylobacter had signs of intestinal inflammation, suggesting that the pathogen could affect the animals’ health.

article-0-03366E500000044D-308_468x286Next, they compared bacterial sequences from seals to those from potential source populations including poultry, livestock, wild birds, and humans using statistical models. The pathogens infecting seals were most similar to those found in sick humans, the team reports this month in Molecular Ecology.

But, it’s not clear yet whether humans are actually responsible for spreading the bacteria to seals, says Erin Lipp, a microbial ecologist at the University of Georgia, Athens, who was not involved in the study.

The genomic sequences of the bacteria isolated from seals were also highly similar to those found in poultry. Because humans typically contract Campylobacter infections through the consumption of infected poultry, both humans and seals could be acquiring the bacteria through contact with the domestic birds. Agricultural runoff from poultry farms could serve as one potential pathway for the birds to spread the bacteria to seals, without direct contact between the two.