Another petting zoo outbreak? Maybe

Families, according to WDRB, are claiming their children got sick after going to the Huber’s Petting Zoo in Indiana.

The Clark County Health Department confirms one E. coli case, but says at this point, Huber’s Orchard, Winery and Vineyards and its petting zoo courtlynn.petting.zooare not connected.

A mother tells WDRB that her 2-year-old daughter is at Kosair Children’s Hospital after her kidneys failed after contracting E.coli.

She says she believes she got it from going to Huber’s petting zoo and claims there are two other sick children at the hospital dealing with the same thing who also pet the animals there.

Huber’s says it has received numerous calls and has issued its own statement on Facebook.

Dana Huber with Huber’s Marketing and Public Relations says, “To be completely honest the Facebook posts, what was being posted as of yesterday was very concerning to us. Our family didn’t want to release information until it was the most accurate information. Again, we handled it the best that we could.”

Huber says the family wanted to set the record straight and let people know there is no link between E. coli and their facility. Huber’s says their thoughts are with the family who has been affected.

A table of petting zoo related outbreaks is available at